Well, depends on what kind of snake it is. Doesn't look to be either a coral snake or a rattler, so yes, I'd try to help. Throwing a coat or blanket over it would allow one to grab the snake through the cloth without getting bitten (assuming the can came off that easily).
works best if the bird still has the feathers on it. We also used a bit thicker coating of clay, so it didn't break into little pieces, just split in half. The clay comes off with the feathers (taking the skin with it) and you have a very moist, yummy bird.
The consensus in this house: Gotta have bread (tortillas don't count, pita does) and filling. Ideally, able to be held and eaten in one hand. Hot pockets are not sammiches (my daughter's preferred spelling), hamburgers are.
I'm happy to say I can still Google my (fairly common) real name and not find myself, which is how I like it. My former SCA title and name was my first AOL handle, and now a shortened version of the same is my current alias.
Now if they added a stand to lift the back wheel up, so one could pedal (and thus exercise) while working (ok, reading Neatorama), it would be perfect.
The National Cathedral in Washington DC has a Darth Vader grotesque, as well as a stained glass window commemorating the moon landing. This sort of thing is not uncommon, it seems.
I had a phone number which spelled out "HER FURY". Unfortunately, it was left behind when I moved cross country a decade ago. It was replaced by MEN-THE-0
Both random draws on the part of the phone company
Both random draws on the part of the phone company
from the FUnny Music Project, FuMP, the song is titled Cat Macros, by Tom Smith.