I know in Europe wealthy women buy face creams made from placentas or babies' foreskins' because they think it will make them look younger. I don't even want to think about how much one of those creams costs...
I am a young Russian-Uzbek married geophysics/aerospace engineering studying neatorama addict. I don't even remember how I found this site but if I don't check it every day I get a feeling like I forgot to feed my puppy or something, imagining him sitting all alone and hungry staring at his bowl.
Also I heard the story (from an electronics/video technology teacher) that in Canada or northern US when they first started putting up radio towers, they used microwaves, and the few people working on the towers every day had their candy bars melt and stuff like that, but then they were getting really sick and died and the autopsy showed that they had been cooked alive.
im pretty sure there are more than just "a few" satellites in polar orbit, and maybe only a handful of the operating ones have working cameras, and whoever controls the cameras probably would not gain anything from taking a picture of the North Pole if their customer does not specifically ask for one... everything has a cost, especially taking a picture with a camera on a million dollar satellite
Actually those toys were made in China, and there was an outrage in Russia about this, the picture on the right is from a newspaper article. They speculated that the Chinese were trying to confuse Russian children or something.
via the comments on englishrussia