Prairie Dog's Comments

Uh, there have been plenty of disasters in the good ol' U S of A in which people acted in a civil non-riotous, non-looting way. Those don't garner the headlines. Please don't make this an East/West culture thing.

The giant fires down in southern California, were actually much more orderly affairs. I've been in floods, and I don't remember any looting or riots.
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Ok, for starters, it's perfect pour every time, it is faster, and unless there is a problem with the equipment, less chance of spillage, and that probably isn't a guy calling everyone sweetie.
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I've lived in California most my life, I only got to see good lightning and thunder while in Massachusetts, Georgia and Florida. Arizona, New Mexico gets some nice storms along with flash floods now and again.
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Actually I just saw the Mythbusters on sneezing properly. Please, do not carry a cloth hanky, or your hand and don't use either to block your sneeze. According to their experiment, the best method is sneezing into the crook of your elbow. This was the least germ spreading method, and didn't contaminate your hand.

The cloth hanky just becomes a germ vector all its own. Use regular Kleenex to mop up, and throw it away.
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Hmm, ok, according to Wiki, forks are referenced in the old Testament, were used by the ancient Greeks AND that the Romans used them. Furthermore that there were many examples of Roman forks to be found. A casual search yielded a Roman fork that was awfully small if it was just for serving. So unless there is a rather widespread conspiracy sponsored by the Pro-Forks-For-Romans-League, I think a travel fork might be something a Roman might actually have.
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I guess I am not up on my professional English writing skills. Why can't you say "Someone left their cheese in the fridge"? What exactly is wrong with "someone" and "their"?
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