tigerbitten's Comments
*sniffle* I cried when the hugging started. Sometimes, a hug is all you need!
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Hot dang! I know what i want for my birthday this year! XD
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Woot! I know what I'm doing tomorrow! *grabs a pole and a line* See ya'll down by the pecan trees!
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I like it! A little screechy at certain times, but a good idea! I also agree with #11: they are indeed the most boring marching band XD
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I got nauseous while looking at this pic and more so once I followed the link. WHY would anyone want to eat those sugarbaconchickenbeefcheesebread all-in-one foods of death?? Its disgusting to look at, disturbing to even think of all the food that will go to waste when no one finishes eating it after a week and probably kills any sense of taste after the first few bites (though just to make it shows how tasteless the cook is from the beginning....).
Is it any wonder why Americans are called 'pigs'? Ugh. I need to go wash my eyes out. &_&
Is it any wonder why Americans are called 'pigs'? Ugh. I need to go wash my eyes out. &_&
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Awww....makes me glad to know that police at least respect elders even if they are doing the illegal eagle
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Crap not a stirup, but a spur! Dang my mind is slow today XP
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I want a do over! Its a medieval iron stir-up!
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Everyone has different ways of reacting to stress and anger; my way is to laugh. Seriously. I laugh for a good 15 or 20 minutes. So after a day of work at Disney, I came home to help my b/f move some furniture. He proposed his undying love and affection, I burst into laughter. Thankfully, he took it well. :)
Once I'd calmed down, he did it again--this time with a ring--and I said yes. Best. Day. Ever.
Once I'd calmed down, he did it again--this time with a ring--and I said yes. Best. Day. Ever.
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I'm a bleeding heart. My God, those poor horses! T_T I stopped watching after they went face first into the pavement and pond. I need therapy now.....
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Went to the site and checked them all out...VERY hilarious! XD
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Um no. I can see it now......
+peddle peddle+ Oh snap! I'm at the good pa....(VROOM! CRUNCH!) Oh hey grandma! How are you today?
+peddle peddle+ Oh snap! I'm at the good pa....(VROOM! CRUNCH!) Oh hey grandma! How are you today?
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I'm sorry, but I really don't see me scratching/rubbing anything that secretes DEATH out of its skin. Even if it does look like it's semi-enjoying it.
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LMAO! Yeah, REAL exciting XD
Hopefully this will be a learning experience--get a dog, not a snake.