Note the o-ring. This is an airtight container. Handy for holding some spare cash, but you could also have a Tardis that can warp time and space inside. Use with caution!
I'm an American who wears a Utilikilt regularly. Why exactly does the "Authority" think men should wear underpants under their kilt? It's not unhygenic, unless you're filthy anyway. A kilt is heavy enough, nobody gets to see under it unless you show them. I think Mr. Wilton is just being a neo-Victorian prude. That said, even in Victorian times, men did not wear anything under their kilts. Why start now?
Bullshit. This pic does not show quake damage, it shows new track being built. Notice the tire ruts, fence line, etc. that are not deformed. I've seen other pics of tracks after earthquakes; the info in the article is correct, but the pic is the result of a lazy reporter I think.