How'd you like to be one of the assitants try to catch the cats after 28 takes. Have you ever tried to catch a cat that doesn't want to be caught? To bad they didn't have video back then. That would have made a funny one.
Well it looks like they found gas ALMOST where they expected it to be. They only problem is they hit another gas pocket where they didn't expect. One big OOPS. Don't you just love it when Mother Nature decides to stike back.
Everybody is yelling at Walmart. But its their insurance company that is really to blame here. Sure Walmart could eat the cost and just pay their insurance company the 45k. But why should they. If Walmart does it for this one then the next time this happens that person has a set precedence to go to court and get them to do it for them too. Walmart is in a no win situation here. They look bad if they don't forget about the 45k but if they do forgive the $ they stand to lose even more latter.
I want a big party at my funeral. None of this crying and other BS they do at funerals in the US. As far as I'm concerned spend the money on renting a bar for the night instead of a funeral home. Just prop me up on my favorite stool put a drink in my hand and party away.
According to the link. Its the CO2 dissolved in the ale that makes the head. Not Nitrogen. The Nitrogen dissipates as the can is pressurized during the filling process. The ale rushing thru the tiny hole in the sphere when the can is opened release the dissolved CO2. The cans and bottles still don't compare to the draft form.
"When you open the can, the pressure inside immediately drops, the compressed gas inside the sphere quickly forces the beer out through the tiny hole into the can. As the beer rushes through the tiny hole, this agitation causes the CO2 that is dissolved in the beer to form tiny bubbles that rise to the surface of the beer. These bubbles help form the head."
I just skimmed the article so I may have missed something. But I wonder why it has so much hazardous waste. I could see New Mexico and Nevada because of all the Nuclear research and weapons development that happens there. But why New Jersey? Of course when I think of Hazmat. I think Nuclear & Chemical mostly. But even Gas stations are considered Hazardous sites because of fuel leakage.
Thats a great Video. Poor bird had so much dog slobber on it He couldn't fly away. Thats also one very well trained dog. Wonder if the smell of Dog slobber saved the bird from the cat.
I've got a modern version of this made of plastic. Its used for scooping up leaves and other ground debris. Wear them like a glove and scoop up the trash.
I vote for the missle theory. There were probably some missiles launched that went off course. Hit the mountain above the camp and caused a landslide. Thus causing the skiers to panic and leave camp with whatever they had on at the time. The injuries probably came from the landslide. And if there was radiation levels in their clothes it may have come from the snow where the missiles impacted and slid down covering the skiers with the radiation particles.
Dave you are right in saying they should have used a different runway if available, but the pilot doesn't get to chose the runway the tower tells the pilot which one to use.
Bet there where a lot of pairs of underwear that had to be changed after that flight.
The right size bra does make a BIG (no pun intended)difference. My wife is naturally very large in this area. She was always complaining about how uncomfortable her bras were. So I bought her a gift certificate to one of those custom bra shops where they fit you precisely. She is much happier now. She'll never buy off the rack bras again. She'd still like to get a reduction but it will have to wait till we have the money.
Wonder if this study only included Naturally large sized women or did it include Artificially enhanced ones too?
Sure Walmart could eat the cost and just pay their insurance company the 45k. But why should they. If Walmart does it for this one then the next time this happens that person has a set precedence to go to court and get them to do it for them too.
Walmart is in a no win situation here. They look bad if they don't forget about the 45k but if they do forgive the $ they stand to lose even more latter.
None of this crying and other BS they do at funerals in the US. As far as I'm concerned spend the money on renting a bar for the night instead of a funeral home. Just prop me up on my favorite stool put a drink in my hand and party away.
Ignorance is bliss!
The cans and bottles still don't compare to the draft form.
"When you open the can, the pressure inside immediately drops, the compressed gas inside the sphere quickly forces the beer out through the tiny hole into the can. As the beer rushes through the tiny hole, this agitation causes the CO2 that is dissolved in the beer to form tiny bubbles that rise to the surface of the beer. These bubbles help form the head."
I could see New Mexico and Nevada because of all the Nuclear research and weapons development that happens there. But why New Jersey?
Of course when I think of Hazmat. I think Nuclear & Chemical mostly. But even Gas stations are considered Hazardous sites because of fuel leakage.
Thats also one very well trained dog. Wonder if the smell of Dog slobber saved the bird from the cat.
Its used for scooping up leaves and other ground debris.
Wear them like a glove and scoop up the trash.
There were probably some missiles launched that went off course. Hit the mountain above the camp and caused a landslide. Thus causing the skiers to panic and leave camp with whatever they had on at the time. The injuries probably came from the landslide. And if there was radiation levels in their clothes it may have come from the snow where the missiles impacted and slid down covering the skiers with the radiation particles.
Bet there where a lot of pairs of underwear that had to be changed after that flight.
She'd still like to get a reduction but it will have to wait till we have the money.
Wonder if this study only included Naturally large sized women or did it include Artificially enhanced ones too?