He is one of the few actors I've never had any problem with. He never seemed to be one of those stuck ups that they have in Hollywood these days. He will be missed.
And I used to think our sports heros were paid way to much. Well at least he can't be blamed for the mess WaMu is in. He was only on the job a few days.
I don't even eat the things any more but still got 100%. Haven't seen a Zero bar on the shelf since I was a kid. Didn't even think they made them anymore.
I'm sure its photo shopped but I've been to construction sites where this sign makes LOTS of sense. Don't bother TODD unless there is a really BIG screw up. But of course if there where a really big screw up. He'd probably hear about it on the news before he would get a phone call.
Sorry must have hit the submit key before I was finished. I don't expect anyone to BAIL me out, though I wish someone would. So why should the big shots get a government hand out. Let them start over just like I'm going to have to do.
I agree with Miss Cellania. Use the money for the FDIC to protect the individual savings holder. Don't give it to the major share holders of the bank to do with as they please. Isn't hat why the FDIC was established? To protect the individual savings holder not the bank. I'm currently in a MAJOR financial crisis but its of my own doing, that and a little bad luck. I bought a house that we could afford as long as both of us were working. Well one of us is currently unemployed and our savings aren't going to last much longer. So its time to get a smaller & more affordable house. I'll probably not be able to sell the house for what owed on it, so it will still be my responsibility to pay whatever is still owed. My big problem is with the banking crisis I can't get a loan to buy a different place either right now. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I find it interesting that they have to make it a LAW enforceable by the courts. As opposed to a law of the religion enforceable by just the church and its doctrines. Its great that we live in a free society where we are allowed to our own beliefs. I hope it will always be that way. Unfortunately church and state are getting way to close in the USA too. I wonder how they would feel if they where visiting the Vatican City in Rome on a Friday during Lent & were charged with a crime of eating meat on a Friday. Bet they would think it was a silly law.
I love the one where the cow & goose are running away from the tank & the women is hitting the tank with a broom. I can just see that happening in real life.
Could this have more to do with the fact that jobs of the more intellectual nature usually involve sitting in one place for extended periods of time. Thus they don't exercise & they can eat while doing their jobs.
I can't believe it. There is another one of these slobs on the planet. My wife's ex-husband ifs the exact same way. I can't stand to even go in his house.
He will be missed.
Haven't seen a Zero bar on the shelf since I was a kid. Didn't even think they made them anymore.
I don't expect anyone to BAIL me out, though I wish someone would. So why should the big shots get a government hand out. Let them start over just like I'm going to have to do.
I'm currently in a MAJOR financial crisis but its of my own doing, that and a little bad luck. I bought a house that we could afford as long as both of us were working. Well one of us is currently unemployed and our savings aren't going to last much longer. So its time to get a smaller & more affordable house. I'll probably not be able to sell the house for what owed on it, so it will still be my responsibility to pay whatever is still owed. My big problem is with the banking crisis I can't get a loan to buy a different place either right now. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I wonder how they would feel if they where visiting the Vatican City in Rome on a Friday during Lent & were charged with a crime of eating meat on a Friday. Bet they would think it was a silly law.