Rudolph's Comments

Neither in civil society or family should a punishment be given for breaking a rule that was not set earlier. Random punishments, or randomly severe punishments, undermine the authority and trust you have as a parent (or police).

Sure, sometimes taking away the favorite toy for a while may be the only option to make the kids think twice. But then you have to have a talk about how their actions led to your reaction. Family rules cannot be hundreds of paragraphs covering everything.

I think she just suddenly thought her kids were acting spoiled, but spoiling is her fault, and not theirs. She should've explained to them how angry she got and why, and then set the rule that next time it happens ...the ice cream goes in the bin.
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Men and women are equal and should be treated with equal respect. Good manners should apply to men as well as women. What she is learning him is to treat women differently than men, and that is the same mechanism that made someone hurt her in the past. It does not matter if she teaches him to put women on pedestals or to think they are inferior, it is an unnatural archaic discrepancy.

Also, a 6yo has not fully developed empathy yet, and for me treating other well is in big part an empathy action.
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