Rudolph's Comments

Dark mode only saves energy when using OLED screens where a pixel emits its own light. In an LCD the light is emitted by a backlight and to get dark it needs to activate 100% blocking in a screening layer. It draws more energy than showing white, though not much. The only way to reduce energy in LCD is to turn down the backlight brightness.
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In the late 90's, around 1997 Sweden gvt ran the "one computer in every home" project where millions bought a PC with Internet connection subsidized. At the same time the mobile phone revolution began with Ericsson and Nokia phones becoming norm. Even writing cheques was obsolete in the 1970's and debit cards widely common from early 90's.

So newly retired people now in their 70's were much younger when this slow paced digital "revolution" began. Sure smartphone payments weren't around 10 years ago but cashless society has existed at least 20 years. We won't get off their lawn. I'm swede in my 40's and rarely ever use cash. All bills are digital in your bank inbox, and the Swish app made easy person to person transfers possible, based on the bank-id authentication system. No need to carry cash when you go to typical cash places like a flea market or answer a classified ad. Also the remaining ATM's are co-owned by the major banks under a common brand so you'll only need one per location, every card fits. But mostly if you need cash you get it in your local grocery store. Buy goods for 50 kr, say "I want 100 cash too", they'll debit 150 kr and give 100 in cash return. No bank or ATM needed. This cash is hard to deposit yes so it'll have to be spent.
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The trailer didn't even survive the copyright.
Selling Youtube videos for profit? Without making a deal with each of the hundreds of creators of the videos? Not even close to fair use.
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I get "mansplained" by gf all the time. She knows everything better than me even stuff I have done for decades and she barely read about. It really makes me rage. I don't do that. Is this really a gender thing or just pigeon holing?
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That pizza on the photo looks like the swedish ones. They're juicy and delicious. Every pizzeria of course has 50 other types to choose from so there is no pizza-hate there. As for seafood there are shrimps, anchovy, and tuna.
In the 1970's pineapple, ham/spam, and all other canned goods, was all the rage and everything with pineapple in/on it was called hawaiian to this date. And ham and pineapple is a very tasty combination not just on pizza but also pork BBQ.
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The part about Sweden is inaccurate. Bars serve anything to anyone 20+ and still standing. Being drunk in a bar is not illegal if you behave but serving a drunk recalls the serving permit from the bar. Common beer is around 5.2% - sold in bars, restaurants and "Systembolaget". Grocery shops may only sell 3.5% beer to 18+ customers, no alcoholic wine or spirits at all, and there is no enforced 7 PM deadline. Restaurants with permit can sell any strength drink to eating patrons between 11 AM and 1 AM, otherwise only non-alcoholic. Beverages below 2.25% is called non-alcoholic and may be sold and bought freely, like "light beer" and "non alcoholic cider".

Also Bulgaria doesn't have death penalty. Only a few countries in the World still has it.
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A Rhubarb pie and a cool Rhubarb-Barbara-bar-barbarian-beard-barber-beer would be nice, from the hands of the Rhubarb-Barbara-bar-barbarian-beard-barber-beer-bar-Barb.
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