Yes, they are SO playing! The owl doesn't have to fly that low all the time, does it, and the cat could absolutely catch the owl if that was what they were doing!
The cat jumping over the owl on the ground (@1:56) is the best! Haha.
@Squishy [slight paraphrasing]: "I'm not a racist, but the majority of black people in America are stupid."
OK then, Squishy...
And how is this woman dumb? She is pointing out what NEEDS pointing out, lest people forget or aren't paying attention: that the Republicans are trying to rewrite (fictionalize) what caused the economic crash (which happened during the Republicans' watch thank you very much) – Wall Street, banks, the real estate bubble. Now the story they're trying to sell to the people is that "big government" is what caused it... WTF? When it was actually the exact opposite... That the Republicans' deregulation of the financial markets was the enabler of the economic crisis.
And I'm kind when I call it fictionalizing... What it is, is plain old LYING. But instead this woman is the one who should be criticized? For presenting her speach in poetry-slam form? Yeah, how DARE she? What a crime that.
Why does everyone assume that the cafeteria at this particular school serves crap – just because that's what YOU had at YOUR high school? Until we know what THEIR cafeteria is like, that point is quite useless to make.
(Bryan (7:51) sounds a 'little' bitter.)
That makes no sense whatsoever. You may want to visit a dictionary.
Yes, they are SO playing! The owl doesn't have to fly that low all the time, does it, and the cat could absolutely catch the owl if that was what they were doing!
The cat jumping over the owl on the ground (@1:56) is the best! Haha.
Damn that's a cool looking animal.
OK then, Squishy...
And how is this woman dumb? She is pointing out what NEEDS pointing out, lest people forget or aren't paying attention: that the Republicans are trying to rewrite (fictionalize) what caused the economic crash (which happened during the Republicans' watch thank you very much) – Wall Street, banks, the real estate bubble. Now the story they're trying to sell to the people is that "big government" is what caused it... WTF? When it was actually the exact opposite... That the Republicans' deregulation of the financial markets was the enabler of the economic crisis.
And I'm kind when I call it fictionalizing... What it is, is plain old LYING. But instead this woman is the one who should be criticized? For presenting her speach in poetry-slam form? Yeah, how DARE she? What a crime that.