Judymae's Comments

I don't underst6and why people make such a big deal out of these dolls. I am a reborn artists and sell these dolls. It really bothers me when people act like you must be crazy to enjoy them. The majority of woman do not change there diapers and take them out but if they do so whay are they hurting you? We all have our stress reliefs. Some have exspensive train sets, or like my husband a Harley motorcycle that he adds chrome to each year and polishs like a genie will pop out, my Mom collected salt and pepper shakers until there was no place to put them except boxes. I have seen people collect teddy bears and dress them. If it gives you peace in a world that is so critical and busy and don't hurt anyone SO WHAT. I see people with purple hair, earrings all over them and people who spend WAY too much time worrying about everyone else. We are so busy looking at the splinter in everyone elses eye we don't see or feel the beam in our own. Ya we may look and wonder but why critisize others for finding a comfort.
I sold a baby to a woman who for 33 years wished she could of held who newboen son who passed away and bought a baby that finally gave her that peace. Her heart had ached for 33 yrs. She don't run around with it no but when the feeling strikes she picks it up, watches the telly and holds it cradled in her arms. Then puts it back. Is she crazy I think not it was driving her crazy for 33 years now she has comfort. Please examine our own collections of things, people and aches before we critisize others for finding a way to comfort themselves. I like to hold one at night while watching tv it is comforting and natural. Most just collect them as they are a beautiful reprsentation of one of Gods greatest gifts. Haven't any of you wished you could hold your grown child again? When I finished my daughtes replica and held it it was like putting color in a picture I had already seen, our memories fade with life so why not color them again?
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  • Member Since 2012/08/11



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