@Desire: You really need to learn how specs work. A AAA battery will put out around .5 Amp for a short time. Grab an Ammeter sometime and go measure it. See http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081201200048AAaJkhZ for example.
Hat looks like a toilet seat. Did she go overboard on the eye makeup, or was that just lighting? Whatever, if she wanted to get noticed, she sure succeeded.
Surely a businessman would know fringe benefits are taxable. I just finished paying taxes on a benefit I didn't ask for, didn't want, and couldn't opt out of (life ins.).
Won't his pants fall down now that he's using his belt to hold on the tank? Hard to believe any of the facts... 3000psi (not 300) is 100 atmospheres, so the tank holds maybe 1000 liters. The engine is around 1/4 liter per revolution, so the bike can run about 4000 engine revolutions per tank. How does that get you 370 miles?
Hard to believe any of the facts... 3000psi (not 300) is 100 atmospheres, so the tank holds maybe 1000 liters. The engine is around 1/4 liter per revolution, so the bike can run about 4000 engine revolutions per tank. How does that get you 370 miles?