Ray 3's Comments

Think you'll find that many bizarre patents were made simply to show that the patent office has to grant patents to anything (in the U.K., at least). Just a hobby for loonies.
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"The rise of e-mail"? They only just figured that out?

Same here in Canada - once a week would be fine. Preferably the day before the recycle truck comes by.
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Cool, but I don't think you can consider it flight unless it leaves ground effect. The Spruce Goose had the same limitation on its only (attempted) flight.
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Not sure I'd laugh at them, Larfin, given that there's likely a lot more bombs around now than when that leaflet was made.
But the tidy path is a nice touch - wouldn't want to damage the lawn when the apocalypse happens.
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@Cat: The battery current limitation has nothing to do with the resultant shock. All a matter of capacitance times volts. You know those bug zappers? The ones that look like badminton rackets? I replaced the capacitor in one with a cap about a hundred times larger; when you zap a bug, the noise actually makes your ears ring. Now *that's* a bug-zapper! (Around the same energy an electric fencer puts out - painful, but it ain't gonna kill you.)
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