The value of anything is only what some idio\\\\ person is willing to pay for it. Like Antiques Roadshow; just because an expert says it's worth a fortune, doesn't mean that's what it will sell for.
I used to fly an old Aeronca Champ, which had a gas tank above my knees (between the instrument panel and firewall), and which had a leak when I bought it, dripping gas on my feet. Previous owner had also installed an ashtray, which I thought indicated a certain amount of bravado (or stupidity).
Years ago a relative worked for a big-box furniture store. Every month the bottom sales person would be let go. He said competition was so fierce that once he saw a salesman jump over a couch to be first to reach a customer.
Anyway, great way to get out of going to work!
(Hey, Jimbo, what you doing here?)