Divorce in America has become a one-sided, winner-take-all affair. All men everywhere should applaud this poor guy for taking a stand, and bringing to light the ugly thing the divorce machine has become. He gives her his kidney, which put his own life in jeopardy, she commits adultery and files for divorce, knowing that in "The Land of the Freeloaders" she's guaranteed to win the lottery and the kids, too! It's time we all wake up to the injustice called "family" court. May history show them to be monsters. Sadly, ladies, in your passion to better yourselves you have unleashed a new kind of slavery that denies fathers the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You tread on sacred ground when you deprive a man of his children. Women do not own children, God does, and He has commanded that fathers be honored, not hounded to their graves by a corrupt machine. Once this machine has consumed all the fathers, it will go after mothers next-- until the State "owns" the children and freedom dies in its sleep.
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