I think it is also a tie-in to the Japanese TV show (based on the anime) called "Terraformars", in which an attempt was made to terraform Mars by putting algae and cockroaches on the planet to create a simple biosphere. By the time the planet was ready for colonization, though, the roaches evolved into giant humanoid monsters.
Impressive invention. It is not every day that one sees the origin of a new art. Needs black sleeves and gloves, like Bunraku puppets use, to conceal the operator.
I'm always bothered when certain countries are pronounced badly. For instance, why do we refer to the nations of "Eye-RAN" and "Eye-RAK"? The "I" has a softer sound, more like "ee-RAHN" and "ee-RAHK". To hear it spoken by our politicians grates on me, like hearing about "nucular" weapons.