This is very good. Star Wars has hereditary rulers ('Princess' Leia, 'Queen' Amidala). Even at the level of military command, authority is very top-heavy. The commander of a ship makes a decision, and it is carried out. In Star Trek, the captain, even a somewhat narcissistic one like Kirk, consults with his Bridge officers before making a decision. He is not being 'democratic' (once the captain decides, the officers and crew 'make it so'), but he recognizes the value of their expertise.
I've had too many dealings with doctors in the past year, but I am extremely grateful for the new imaging technologies. When a CT scan was ordered, I had an interesting thought: You never hear the words "exploratory surgery" anymore. I cannot be more grateful.
When it's Asian, then it's 'traditional'. When it's European, it's just a thing. Nobody talks about the sport of thoroughbred racing as exotic and traditional !
When I want to pre-wash my dishes, I put them out on the porch for the dog and the chickens. It never occurred to me to install an animal as an addition to the dishwasher.
Nobody talks about the sport of thoroughbred racing as exotic and traditional !