Ugh, it's a pity that the Catholic Church had to be dragged in to this, as if this were any part of what the Church teaches. The head of the school was excommunicated, he's making up his own religion at this point. Might as well call his religion Williamsonism. And according to Williamsonism, girls don't play sports. According to Catholicism, there's nothing wrong with girls playing sports.
But I guess any chance people can take to spit on religion, they'll take it, even if they're ultimately just making shit up.
Eh, ignore the haters. I found this to be interesting. Give me more articles like this and fewer "from the annals of improbable research" which are unfunny and bland.
Well considering that one of the examples of how to use it in the commercial is to add alcohol, I wouldn't say this is marketed directly to children per se. It's just marketed to Japan's well-known love of all things cute.
Actually, Mass Effect 3 is an interesting game to bring up for this chart. Much of the complaining about Mass Effect 2 (and fears of ME3) from "hardcore" RPG fans is that the game is essentially NOT a time sink the way RPGs are supposed to be. It's more fun more quickly, the way a first person shooter is. And that's BAD, apparently. ("selling out")
I get the feeling dallas didn't even read what this is about... he's saying that the music industry's stance is wrong, but he's not dicating to them that they must change (that industry will simply die out as is, with internet independants taking it's place). He is saying that HE will use a different business plan so that his company does not die out.
So it's not like he's telling another band to give a free show... he's saying his band will periodically give free shows. Some bands do that, you know.
Honestly? Careers such as 'art' and 'music' probably shouldn't have degrees attached to them to begin with. You should either learn by doing, or have some means of apprenticing to a master. A degree in art is bad, not only because it's hard to get steady work in artistic fields; it's bad also because it doesn't really teach you the things you need to know to be a professional artist. It's no where near worth the cost, for how little it actually teaches.
Depends on the kind of girl he's looking for. For example, I'm looking to buy some Commander (Fem)Shepard armor eventually. I guess that means I'll never get a man, huh?
But I guess any chance people can take to spit on religion, they'll take it, even if they're ultimately just making shit up.
So it's not like he's telling another band to give a free show... he's saying his band will periodically give free shows. Some bands do that, you know.