sparge's Comments

Actually, Cheeseduck, I think you'll find Risk is much more reliant upon statistics. There's a clear distinction.

(Tactics and diplomacy also factor in)
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Older people were less likely to take the cash, huh? Perhaps, having been around the block a few times, they are more conscious of the money isn't everything axiom.
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Let's see: for the scoring there's three categories that basically mean GREAT, one for NORMAL, and one for GOOD TRY.

Wouldn't want anyone to feel bad for scoring poorly on an abstract internet test.
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Careful. Evolution occurs over generations, not a single lifetime.

Still, fascinating creatures. I wonder how the complexity of adult mayflies compares to their larva... I know the adults only live long enough to mate, and do not even have time or energy to eat.
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Believe it or not, I worked out the math too!

576 legos / 5 pounds = 115.2 legos/pound

5000000 legos / 115.2 legos/pound = 43402.777777778 pounds = about 21.7 tons

But I can see why you'd believe that other guy instead. All I did was give a source for the lego weight value.

(Actually, he probably got the weight of the small lego sets. But we can't know that for sure, now can we?)
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Get ready for the people who swear they have a friend who knows someone who named their kid (pick one): Placenta, Female, Oranjello and Lemonjello (twins), Ampersand, and the like. THey usually pop up around posts like these.
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According to this amazon page, 576 legos weigh 5 pounds. Which means that if that thing were really 5 million legos, it would weigh nearly 22 tons. Plus all the glue that would certainly be necessary to hold it together.

So yeah. Shenanigans.
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It's ridiculous that they can't just use the total number of gallons pumped and calculate the price at the cash register. That's how we buy fruit and foods in the bulk section. You have to go inside to pay anyway.

MikeH: The place mentioned in the story is the only gas station for 20 miles, as are most stations where this is a problem. Capitalism has little effect.
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All it's doing is minimizing its surface area. Even non-living things can do that (think of a droplet of oil immersed in water).

They do bring up the point that people refer to "intelligent materials", but I think the study does more to show the ridiculousness of that label rather than the actual intelligence of the slime mold. "Smart materials" or "responsive materials" would perhaps be better.
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