So: without shoes, our feet get dirty, callused, scratched, punctured, frostbitten, infected, etc. With shoes we might develop chronic skeletal problems. Sounds like a wash to me.
Maybe it's just that I'm so used to wearing them, but I find that I walk differently when I go barefoot, I go slower and end up with more muscle soreness. Unless I'm sitting or lying down, I always prefer to wear shoes.
My first thought is that you could order a shirt with anything on it, but you wouldn't actually get it because they only can ship shirts that they've already printed out.
But thinking some more, it's certainly within the realm of possibility that they'd have a computerized text printer capable of doing a single shirt without having to set up an entire new screen for it. Some of these headlines are pretty obscure, and I'm not sure all will be ordered at some point.
You're right, mark. I meant something more like "full of themselves". More often than not, those adjectives readily apply to the same people, but here that was not necessarily the case. My error.
It was still boring, though. Interesting that I (who usually take an interest in things environmental) didn't enjoy the videos, while you (who are "tired of hearing about" such things) did.
That has got to be the the lowest fulfillment to potential ratio I have ever seen. It's half an hour with a bunch of self-righteous hipsters on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Maybe the second half will actually show something, but I'm not holding my breath.
It's especially a shame since I really enjoyed the documentary about North Korea you guys posted recently.
Does it really matter? People have both good and bad experiences on all airlines. I fly whichever airline is the cheapest, which is usually a different one each time, and I've never seen any reason to prefer one airline over another. (Except Midwest, but only because of the freshly baked cookies.) I've experienced delays, delayed luggage, and unfriendliness about equally across the board.
ted - it should work in any orientation, vertical, horizontal or tilted. Gravity doesn't affect light, in the small magnitudes that are found in regular planets and suns. I suppose it wouldn't work right near a black hole, but not much will...
Gee, I must have missed the part where they said "global warming." And here I thought they were simply examining the production and transport of CO2 with a new and better method than was previously available, and pointing out trends in what they observed. Next time I'll just assume that because the words "greenhouse gas" appear in the description that it must be global warming propaganda.
Maybe it's just that I'm so used to wearing them, but I find that I walk differently when I go barefoot, I go slower and end up with more muscle soreness. Unless I'm sitting or lying down, I always prefer to wear shoes.
But thinking some more, it's certainly within the realm of possibility that they'd have a computerized text printer capable of doing a single shirt without having to set up an entire new screen for it. Some of these headlines are pretty obscure, and I'm not sure all will be ordered at some point.
Here's the obvious one I thought of
It was still boring, though. Interesting that I (who usually take an interest in things environmental) didn't enjoy the videos, while you (who are "tired of hearing about" such things) did.
It's especially a shame since I really enjoyed the documentary about North Korea you guys posted recently.
Actually, according to XKCD, the grapefruit would be the devil's fruit.
I really dig the idea though! I'd buy one.
But I do have to give them props for the footage.