JillHarness's Comments

@mackayles I wasn't trying to say I'm not classist because I work from home. I was saying that when I did work in an office, I was one of the only people who respected the janitors and was nice to them.

Working at home is nice, but I make less money than the majority of janitors. Believe it or not, bloggers aren't rich and we don't live lives of luxury. I know it's crazy to imagine, but that's the truth.

I don't feel that I'm better than janitors at all, but I still think kids should aspire to bigger things. I respect the hell out of blue collar workers and I know how important they are to our society. That being said, practically anyone can go into one of these jobs and make a living. Not everyone can be a doctor, lawyer or scientist. If kids aspire to be these things, they could be one of these or they could be a blue collar worker. If they aspire to be blue collar and don't ever try to do more than that, then they'll have sacrificed their chance to do more intellectual careers.

Most of my friends and family members work blue collar jobs. Most of these people wish they could do more with their lives, but think it's too late. If they could choose what profession their children go into, I doubt many of them would choose their own line of work.

That's great that you started out as a janitor and became a manager, but then you of all people should realize there isn't much growth in that type of industry and most people will stay at the same level their whole lives.
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Thank you for that Varanid. That's exactly what I was saying. If you ask anyone who knows me, I'm about as far from classist as they come. In fact, while I work from home now, when I have worked at places that employed janitors, I was always one of the only people that was not only nice to them, but made the extra effort to clean up after myself so they wouldn't have to do more work on my account.
That being said, it's an incredibly thankless job with little pay and hardly any benefits. I feel we should encourage children to aim higher. When I was a kid, I was torn between being a writer, a chemist or a vet.

As for the breast feeding doll, nothing is going to convince me that that's a good idea. Krista, it's absolutely adorable that your little girl would mock-breast feed and Kristen, I completely support breast feeding in public and it makes me sick when I hear about women who are harassed because they were doing something completely natural.
BUT, little girls don't have breasts and they don't need a toy to let them pretend to have them and then have a doll suck on these pretend breasts. If you encourage this, are you going to be surprised if you walk in on a group of little girls playing house with one of them sucking on the other's nipple?
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@herpderp -I actually am very pro drug legalization and I fully understand that the government exaggerates (and often outright lies) about the negative effects of drugs, but the bottom line is that elephants aren't people. No one yet knows if their bodies synthesize the drug differently and thus, if such an incredibly high dosage could kill the beast. The bottom line is that injecting such a large quantity of any substance with unknown effects into any animal is beyond careless, but completely unethical.
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Horned one,
That was the worst part to research and write about. It broke my heart that they would be so cold.
I don't care if we clone mammoths, but I feel like we owe it to these species to do whatever we can to bring them back to life after we screwed them over so bad.
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They also help treat migraines and general symptoms of depression for months after they have been taken...which I can testify to first hand after trying them in Amsterdam a few years ago while they were still legal there.
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I always find it strange that toy makers produce toys for rated R superhero movies, like The Dark Night and advertise them on kid's programs. I think these movies are great adult movies, but it sends a strange message when they're advertising them to people too young to watch them.
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Doesn't matter, the first sentence you critique was written correctly. His dad was a Realtor who wanted to be an actor.
The second issue the mere fact that I forgot a period. Get over it.
As for the last one, it's common knowledge that most comedians get their drive for attention through a lacking home life as a child and Steve was no exception. You don't have to be a psychologist to know that.
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I think the ban will be similar to craigslist rules, where a person can still charge an "adoption fee" for the pet to ensure they are in good hands, which is actually a great idea for most animals.
Still, there are certain animals that are just too hard to come by through adoption, such as chinchillas, that should still be available for purchase. It shouldn't be such a blanket rule.
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