Have you ever seen those old ads in the back of postwar-era magazines that said, "Surefire way to kill cockroaches- $12.95 to PO Box 6430 Rockville, IL?" Yeah, well, these are what they'd send you.
A Petit's Tourniquet used for maladies such as snakebites, blood loss or congestive heart failure. Most uses for this are now rendered quaint by more modern medical treatments.
It's a "Pinball Wizard," used by high-stakes pinball players. Since most pinball machines have plungers with too much play in them for the high score. The serious players clamp this to the existing plunger for that added control on the new ball.
That's a Zookeeper's Friend (or Circus-master's Freind). It is inserted between the bars of the tiger-cage door and the rest of the cage. It allows just enough of an opening to slip the food into the cage without letting the tiger slip out. It usually works for gorillas, too.
Unpredictable Swing Voter Ladies Medium
Unpredictable Swing Voter (woman's Medium)
Unpredictable Swing Voter Ladies medium
Unpredictable swing voter Ladies Med.
Unpredictable Swing VOter, Med ladies natural
Unpredictable Swing voter, Natural, small
Unpredictable swing voter, natural small
unpredictable swing voter small natural
Unpredictable Swing Voter small natural
Unpredictable Swing Voter small, natural
Unpredictable Swing Voter, small natural