I liked your post but the one thing that stood out was "will be throughout his lifetime".
I don't subscribe to that school of thought.
I'm 40 and have suffered depressive episodes throughout my life, that's true. However, I don't believe just because I've had a handful of 6-12 month deep depressions that I'm doomed to have them for the rest of my life nor is anyone else.
I still have to believe that there will be one day when I will conquer depression for good. It will be the day that I finally change the way I think. I'm working on it. It will come. Brain chemicals play only a small part. If someone dropped a million bucks in my lap right now, you wouldn't believe how fast my mood would change. Then, the daily financial pressure of being poor in the United States would be gone and I'd be able to see the sunrise without those dark clouds in the way.
I don't subscribe to that school of thought.
I'm 40 and have suffered depressive episodes throughout my life, that's true. However, I don't believe just because I've had a handful of 6-12 month deep depressions that I'm doomed to have them for the rest of my life nor is anyone else.
I still have to believe that there will be one day when I will conquer depression for good. It will be the day that I finally change the way I think. I'm working on it. It will come. Brain chemicals play only a small part. If someone dropped a million bucks in my lap right now, you wouldn't believe how fast my mood would change. Then, the daily financial pressure of being poor in the United States would be gone and I'd be able to see the sunrise without those dark clouds in the way.