Reave's Comments

The preacher Josue Yrion said that Simpson are devil... and that Matt Groening whos banned from FOX because he wanted Bart becoming a good guy. They said that he is making christian videos around the world.
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Ey, weeks ago I was thinking about write "in the name of love" in the signals to make everybody think: "I hate that song" and pass away.

I´m not liying...
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"Chunda chunda tachunda chunda chunda" is the most efficient compresion of sound:

20 Mbs of Wav, 3 of Mp3, but if you show that text to a spaniard he will recognize it.

There was some lyrics. You can read all of them Here
but the most popular is a unnoficial lyric promoted by franco. There is in the link too. The author is Jose María Pemán.

In the first lyric, the Eduardo Marquina´s, they speak about the old colours of the flag: Purple, yellow and red.

But the funniest lyrics are made by Rafa Corega:

If you know spanish (and spaniards) you are going to laugh. I can´t try to translate it if someone is interested, but then the rhyme will be lost
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They buy the winner tickets to the real winners for a little of extra buck (the prize and a little bit more) and then they can clean their undeclared money.
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In the South of Spain there is the Jelly Fish Captain, the best superhero ever. He goes to the beach with his yellow towel and his net and he take all the jellyfish there are (There is a vast plague of Jellyfish. He take 200 every day sometimes.)

He goes with his glasses and his tube and warn people who is going to be bited, then guide them to the beach, escorting them and make everybody feel safer.

Long Life to Jellyfish Captain! (Capitán Medusa)
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In the spanish Wikipedia (I didn´t found it in the english) say that in UK is used the... strange system too.

Have no sense. And Fahrenheit have less sense if possible.
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¿Where went the Panda?

I thought that he would appear near of the laughters.

Speaking about Pandas: I love that video:
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Curious. In spanish we lots of this expressions but not every. And we use others too.

Ipso Facto and In media res are used a lot.

"Lupus est homo homini" was not said by the romans :Þ
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