Mmm... There is absolutely no chance that a burger shaped trap opens with an acomplice pushing a real burger through then flips the trap to show a blank image, while the whole thing is cleverly obscured by the magician's hands. No chance of that. At all.
That has absolutely nothing to do with math skills. At all. Those are reading/comprehension skills. Sure, kudos to the kid to actually map the given instructions to the real world case in front of him.
What he has is a critical mind. 4 years, 8 cities, and nobody ever thought of doubting the the instructions and explanations were correct.
From the FA:
"It's a gift that, for some reason, God gave him," Koch said."
Saved it, loaded it in photoshop. Same color according to the picker. Yet, my brain cannot see them as the same color. Take a white brush, wipe out the surrounding around the 'lighter' tile. The more you wipe, the darker the tile becomes.
That ought to prop up membership! Great move!
For what it's worth, here's some broken translation:
In other news, self righteousness is rarely a good quality. Especially when you are an angry and frustrated mob beating on people celebrating Love.
Islam is a religion of peace. It's not the religion that scares me, it's the people.
Yes, I am a party pooper.
What he has is a critical mind. 4 years, 8 cities, and nobody ever thought of doubting the the instructions and explanations were correct.
From the FA:
"It's a gift that, for some reason, God gave him," Koch said."
Oh the irony.
How can anyone trust one's own brain after that.