sininen's Comments

Now that the snow is gone (here in Finland), I can show my little daughter all the flowers and bugs that come out. Watching her giggle with joy about a lady bug that runs across her hand makes me happy.

(I also noticed that not reading the newspaper (nor watching the news) often makes me happier on a general level)
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Sorry, but this is the ugliest piece of furniture I have seen in years! Imagine that in any possible living- environment besides an IKEA bookshelf... Uhhhaah.
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No, you don't give a shit. That's why you post that short response plus picture.
If you can't take criticism, don't blog.
Bashing a comment for its poor orthography shows your insecurity.
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I don't like the title of the post. It is misleading and stupidly chosen.
The benefits of breast milk are obvious. That it can CURE cancer, I doubt. But I am very sure that it can help the intestine regain a certain stage of health. Good that it helped someone.
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This is pretty harmless if you take into consideration that many people working in such a job do not wash their hands after going to the toilet. That happens everywhere not only in fast food chains.
If you could see the kitchens of restaurants you think are good, you often would think twice ordering a meal there.
The narcissism that is necessary to upload this video and think its funny, is definitely abnormal.
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Hahahaha, reminds me of Monty Pythons "Life of Brian" when all those ladies (wearing fake beards) gather to enforce the law over someone saying "Yehova!"
Nowadays you have Photoshop.. or who knows, maybe its just the SAME ladies in disguise??
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Life is full of terrible people, young and old. In this case the question is, who is more terrible. The family with kids or the old man who concludes after one case that ALL children are like that. Not precisely convincing. Don't buy that book, it will be full of generalisations and whining about the world being so bad compared to the "good old days".
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22,000 Pounds per year for one family is actually not really a fortune. I am not saying that they should not work or anything like that but I feel that the story is made much bigger than it is. It is not that much a scandal, really.
They should start doing something about their lifestyle, though...
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I liked you mentioning the friendship between Iggy and David Bowie! I actually would LOVE to read some post about celebrity-friendships (like who is friend of who). Not the interview-friendship-blablas like "It's been sooooo great to work with him... bla bla". But something about who is "real" friend with who (just like that Iggy-Bowie stuff).

I would also like to read something about Tom Waits or Nick Cave.
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In the 18th century it was quite much of a habit all over Europe to even make Jewelery (bracelets/brooches) out of human hair. My grandparents had some kind of a flower-like looking object in a picture frame made from hair, too. It makes my stomach turn every time I think of it. It is so ugly and creepy! Also quite spooky thinking that it is hair of the dead in there, somehow... uagh x-P
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Well, neatorama is not an encyclopaedia and the blog is meant for entertainment. Posts like these make the comments-part so much more worth while reading and give some of us a good opportunity to show off their knowledge ;-)
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I don't get it either, is it supposed to look like Hitler or something? What is awesome about this dog (apart from the fact that it is cute looking)? What is the special thing?
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This is a truly beautiful picture. It shows that there are people who are able to see that life is worth saving, no matter if it is an animal or a human.
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