BeeJay's Liked Comments

In the beginning...ignorant, uncivilised, Bronze Age goat-herders made up some stuff and then, later, some other ignorant, uncivilised medieval sheep-fiddlers believed the same stuff (under pain of, let's be clear, severe pain, torture and death) and now we have, all over the world, ignorant, uncivilised savages who believe in Bronze Age fairy tales. Yay for religion!
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I don't think the poll is properly representative of the facts. It's not about the vet going "against the owner's wishes" it's about the vet defrauding the owner. Theft is theft and that's what this vet is guilty of.

And let's be clear, it's a hard decision for any owner to make to have their pet euthanised and then they find out that not only did the professional they placed their trust in lie to them about the prospects of their beloved pet's chances of survival and a decent quality of life, he takes their money under false pretenses! It's an appalling abuse of trust.
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Not being an American but having watched a couple of games and being an avid rugby fan, I think that the use of so much protective equipment in American football gives the players a false sense of security and leads them to be more reckless and to launch themselves into tackles they would otherwise avoid. More and more studies are being published that show that early-onset dementia is linked to playing sports such as rugby and American football, at higher rates than found among amateur boxers.

People will continue to play both sports but perhaps thought should be given to informing potential players of the real risks of their chosen game.
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