violet 1's Comments

No Kathy, there's nothing wrong with being decent and moral. You should try it, unless the effort to do so would conflict in an unexpected way with your desire to effectively exterminate certain ethnic groups, possibly resulting in a massive mess as the living contradiction and horror show that is your brain explodes all over the place. On second thought, give it a go.
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Cassie, those are lovely sentiments, but surely you are familiar enough with the kind of debate that goes on here around issues of faith and science to prepare for widely disparate viewpoints on something like this. You seem legitimately disturbed by the response, but you shouldn't be. It's a pretty interesting post and a pretty interesting argument. Have some nog.

I will say, though, that neatorama commenters tend to get waaay vehement about stuff, very unironic, uncircumspect in their appraisals of controversial topics. It's weird. But amusing.
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I love this man. I love it when people go all the way, even, or maybe especially, in the realm of the absurd. And congratulations go out to Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas, all 90 pounds of her, for keeping her fruitcake title. She's a machine.

And gtron, if you're going to whine about wasted food, you might want to look into some tons upon tons of rotting corn and other crops that sit around in this country because they are overproduced. Honestly, 4 pounds of fruitcake? Perspective fail.

And many of us would consider Takeru a martyr for taking this fruity abomination off our hands. Our slender, judgy, non-wasteful hands.
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Yes!! There's also a website that you can pay into now, pre-rapture, that will then messages to your loved ones left behind after the big, you know, whatever. So good.

Do people who believe in the rapture really Believe in the rapture? Know what I mean? Seems like it would take a pretty hefty degree of willful self-deception even for the "faithful." But I suppose your self-deception muscles are nice and strong if you already believe the earth is like, 6 weeks old and stuff.
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@Geekazoid: Did somebody say it was liberal? Or did you mean political? I would say it isn't. It's cultural maybe, and while the definition of "neat" is not going to find consensus around here, the incident is certainly interesting.

I think the people that object to disturbing or political items on neatorama really just want stuff that cannot, in any way, complicate their lives. So kittens and gadgets and knitted guitars are in; anything that shows the messy state of our world or humans is out. If that's some people's preference, okay I guess, but what's always confused me is why these people think they have a vote.
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That's right Ted, those evil overlord Dems with all their decades-long power, keeping the poor poor Repubs down like a schoolyard bully. How many years of therapy will it take to recover? At this point they're like abused wives, really, believing they somehow deserved it.

It's not your fault! It's not your fault!

Just let me hold you. We'll get through this.
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Oh, goody! Sarah Palin champions, bring out yer dead (defenses)!

There's nothing better than a rehash of the most pointless, vacuous argument of 2008 to get the holiday juices going.

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I guess if someone's paying your rent, feeding you, and picking your excrement up in little bags, you don't get to have much of a vote in the "dress me like an a**hole" department.
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Well I'm offended by the hatred police who exhibit hatred of the hatred from the haters who hate that woman and her inalienable right to magical thinking.
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@Xeal: Nobody, pretty much ever, fails to call out terrorists etc., and I don't recall any significant thread comparing the two and describing the Duggars as More Evil. So I don't know what you're talking about there.

Your second paragraph is also overly simplistic. They are not simply sincere Christians who believe children are a blessing. They really do feel it is their mission to generate as many followers as possible in order to further the goals of their religion, which in many cases are intolerant to others.

"Do these people threaten you? Are they committing some harm against you?" Well, on a macro level, it is people like these, in large numbers, that violated the constitutional provision that no state shall enact a law abridging a citizen's rights. This was in California, when Mormon and other religious activists used their beliefs (and money) to take away the right of gay people to marry. So a valid argument can be made that these people DO do harm to some. Not crap.

And as always, in a free country, everyone has a right to an opinion.
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