Jae, you know nothing about me. I'm a terrible atheist and would never think of forcing any religious views on my children, if I were to have any. Your narrow-minded view of people based on a simple 3 line comment I made is just as hilarious as these letter to Obama from these children.
I don't fit any of your molds, most likely nobody does.
wow, these are hilarious. Indoctrination has reached a whole new level, I never once would have thought a president capable of this much at that age, and I WAS RIGHT. Its like cigarette ads, designed to reach an audience capable of addiction.
From the looks of it he used to play tabla. I recognize those strokes (Tira?) and he modulates around 4:00 like he's playing a baya. Makes sense if its a raga/jazz fusion band. Neat stuff.
Saw this on the news actually, seems pretty ridiculous that the contractor would have any claim to the money at all. The homeowner owns the home and all that it contains, even if she didn't know all of the things that it contained.
I wonder if greyhound is a modern word translated for King James Version. At the time that the Proverbs were said to be written I think the Saluki would have been the breed of choice, from which the greyhound is descended. I could be wrong though...
I don't fit any of your molds, most likely nobody does.
Also, not very neat.