I dont think this is disturbing at all I have seen much stranger and scarier things but this is just a little girl dancing. When I was in ballet class as a sweet little 5 year old I was dressed in a leotard dancing to my boy lollypop and the opening move was a line of us bent over shaking our bums to the audience. Maybe you only see it as sexual because the whole sex thing has been sensationalised and the media love putting out stories about peados so something that used to be innocent is now seen as dangerous
What on earth job do these guys have that they can spend all that time on turning work property into a loo! Bet they get paid loads as well. Its these happy, chirpy, not a care in the world types that make me so bitter. I bet there all "characters" too. I bet they say things like "im mad me" and "I just love being random!" Now if you dont mind Im going to torment a moth.
Who chose that sappy music "you say it best when you say nothing at all" reall? well lets apply that rule to singing shall we. My god was there any need for the extra cheesyness! Love the moose tho. :P
So if Chinese people are just plain old black how come Japanese are only "honourary white" not good enough to be white but you can hang round with us if you want. To prevent segregation in a country put them in catorgories and give benefits to some and not others...... genius
Nothing shows of evolutionary traits better then the need to survive. This is why I love to see predators and prey in action. They are both doing what they do purely for survival. I would feel sorry for the seal but I watched planet earth last night and saw a fur- seal rip a penguins neck apart. Disney say it best. The Circle of Life.
meh royalty turns out the the real king of England lives in Australia http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/aussie-mike-the-true-king-of-england/2005/09/10/1125772732666.html
A Bloody Mary first thing,
(Mary the girl in the garden0
a bite at the King's Head,
(when phillip gets attacked)
couple at The Little Princess,
(im not sure what this is maybe picking uo liz)
stagger back here
(pretending to be zombies to get in the winchester)
and bang...
back at the bar for shots.
(Shooting zombies from behind the bar)
How's that for a slice of fried gold?