Tanya 10's Comments

My husband and I have been fortunate. We are both in the medical field. He is a certified nursing assistant and I am a phlebotomist. Luckily the layoffs haven't hit us in the medical field yet. He got layed off from his job as a welder last August and was on unemployment until this month when he finished his CNA training. It has been Ok. We are making it. I think it is amusing how everyone was singing Obama's praises just a week or so ago when he was inaugurated
and now the backlash has begun with his crappy stimulus package that does absolutely nothing for regular people and does nothing for the economy. What a better way to beat America into submission that to take their jobs, money, homes and hopes. You beat people down long enough, you can make them eat any crap you serve.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/11



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