@Billy - those "Bone Fone" ads appeared in many magazines, including Mechanix Illustrated, Popular Electronics, etc. (http://preview.tinyurl.com/93rw9o) so the technology's been around.
I've been there numerous times, and can vouch that you'll need several hours at a time to fully enjoy this bookstore. As an earlier commenter said, it's not a very well-organized shop but it's filled with unusual title - that just adds to the pleasure of finding a rare book! The name of the shop is "Bookman's Corner" - googlemaps link here: http://tinyurl.com/65u59k
As a Chicagoan who grew up in New York and New Jersey, I still crave New York-style pizza and lament that fact it's so hard to find here. The commenters you wrote about Midwestern square-cut pizza being designed to share - um, why would triangular slices be any less shareable than squares? Here, people just end up taking four or five tiny squares - a New York-style slice's worth - per serving, anyhow. Square-cut doesn't serve any more people per pie.
I agree, the square cuts are probably more a means of dealing with the dry, crackery Midwestern pizza crust ... or a nod to Chicago's "grid" style city street plan. :)
That image is just ... disturbing. Reminds me of a TV ad a saw years ago depicting the damage done by smoking - except that instead of showing cancerous, tarry lungs, the changes were shown on the actor's face. That one gave me nightmares for weeks!
I think the question would be better phrased, "which is more important: a friend or a car?" After all, isn't that what most pets actually are to their owners/caregivers? Phrased this way, it's not such a clear-cut case of which chattel has more dollar value.
It's also a bit of a false dichotomy. Sure, $25,000 can -buy- you a car, but how many people would spend $25,000.00 to -save- a car they already own? Unless it's a Rolls-Royce, or some such.
I think it's also a visual pun - Dalmatia (the origin of the dog breed's name) is actually a historic region of southern Croatia, so it really may be a "Dalmatian house," Bingo or not! ;)
I agree, the square cuts are probably more a means of dealing with the dry, crackery Midwestern pizza crust ... or a nod to Chicago's "grid" style city street plan. :)
It's also a bit of a false dichotomy. Sure, $25,000 can -buy- you a car, but how many people would spend $25,000.00 to -save- a car they already own? Unless it's a Rolls-Royce, or some such.