jay 61's Comments
Hmm disappointing article, when your talking about Space and things we know NOTHING about, it's best to to make claims and definitions on things.
I can understand the basic ones like how lazers dont travel as beams etc. but some you cant justify in black and white.
as commenters have already said in reaction to the star trek claim, it is possible for humans like us to exist on other plants, in fact its extremely likely. We did evolve on this planet, but if there is another 'Earth' planet out there, with the same kind of weather, eco systems etc. then its highly possible there are people just like us out there. Look out in to Space at night, at all those stars and galaxies with their own solar systems and the millions of planets. I'd say the chances are pretty good that there are human looking people out there.
And with the 'brain sucking aliens', as someones already said there are many species who choose hosts for their offspring.
Also re: planeys gravity system.
'Everywhere you go in science fiction, people are walking around like they weigh just what they do on Earth. Chances of that happening in the real universe? Slim.'
Hello? Mars? That has almost the same gravitational field and its on our doorstep. And yes, the chances are small, but there's millions of planets out there, maybe even infinite, so it does happen.
Space stuff is all things we know nothing about, we dont even know we can't travel at the speed of light, sure someone has put theories about it, but 100 years ago we said we could never fly, look at us now flying to Mars.
I can understand the basic ones like how lazers dont travel as beams etc. but some you cant justify in black and white.
as commenters have already said in reaction to the star trek claim, it is possible for humans like us to exist on other plants, in fact its extremely likely. We did evolve on this planet, but if there is another 'Earth' planet out there, with the same kind of weather, eco systems etc. then its highly possible there are people just like us out there. Look out in to Space at night, at all those stars and galaxies with their own solar systems and the millions of planets. I'd say the chances are pretty good that there are human looking people out there.
And with the 'brain sucking aliens', as someones already said there are many species who choose hosts for their offspring.
Also re: planeys gravity system.
'Everywhere you go in science fiction, people are walking around like they weigh just what they do on Earth. Chances of that happening in the real universe? Slim.'
Hello? Mars? That has almost the same gravitational field and its on our doorstep. And yes, the chances are small, but there's millions of planets out there, maybe even infinite, so it does happen.
Space stuff is all things we know nothing about, we dont even know we can't travel at the speed of light, sure someone has put theories about it, but 100 years ago we said we could never fly, look at us now flying to Mars.
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there are indeed trillions of planets out there, and to say we are the only ones here is a bold statement.
(if there are christians reading this ill point out i dont believe in any god, therefore your 'adam and eve' fairy tale doesn't concern me much.
In regard to why aliens havent contacted us yet, i think this is down to technologies and such. say there are thousands of alien civilizations out there, they will all be at different stages of evolution - some just single cells, some extremely complex lifefors perhaps even we can't come to understand. Have they got the technology to come knocking on our door though? are they bound by the same technological restaints as we are? In space terms, a light year is nothing, in human terms a light year is something under our technological understanding, we could never travel in a concious life time. We simply can't travel far enough to discover other plents or lifeforms. We've never been outside our solar system, our back yard.
As to claim we've never been visited, thats also bold. Ive never seen a 'UFO' or a green man walking around my garden. but out of the hundreds of thousands of unexplained sightings of UFOs you'd think at least 1 is real. If you read far enough in to it you'll find some unexplainable occurances on this planet, such as objects on radars traveling from one end of germany to the other in seconds.
The evidence is there, but this planet insists on ignoring it, turning a blind eye or pretending its not there. im not some alien freak, im just saying it how it is.
Truth is religion keeps alot of our society in order, it also gives stronger nations reasoning to invade other countries. Religion keeps alot of things in our world in order, and gives a lot of people faith.
what would happen to society if an alien came along and told us all god was a load of s**t? Who said they even want to say hi? who says they're not going to destroy the whole planet next week?
A lot of questions sparking a lot of thinking. People have written books on it.