roger 1's Comments

The best solution would be to find a neutral gang which neither parent can claim as their own, such as the Bloods or Hell's Angels. Or, they can put out bandanas with Crips & Westside Ballers colors and see which one the little tot grabs first. So many problems can be easily resolved with a little common sense.
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@ sparge: clear statements explaining the connection with Purdue's CO2 research and global warming are found on their Hestia page:

"Climate change is happening, will likely accelerate, and is being driven primarily by rising carbon dioxide levels caused by the combustion of fossil fuels. Although this is common knowledge,... "

@kid_icarus: if you have a look at the above link to the Hestia site, you'll see that plans are in the work to do this worldwide

@Nastia: the purported goal of the project is to produce data that scientists & policymakers can use to make further decisions. So I think their "conclusion" is the gridded model itself shown in the video. Also, they believe that C02 warms the atmosphere via the greenhouse effect.
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My comment disappeared... these are called ECVP waves, I think this guy Akiyoshi Kitaoka invented them:

Here's an academic article on the subject:
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While I suppose everyone is correct that India is generally more accepting of physical abnormalities than here in the West, I don't think things are quite so bad here as some have portrayed. In my high school, there were a couple of students with quite severe birth defects. While they clearly had an immensely difficult time socially, I never saw or could have imagined other students harassing them - it was understood that such teasing was out of bounds. I'm sure other readers can provide contrary anecdotes, but I'm only pointing out that attitudes have transformed greatly in the West over the past few decades and things are not as they were in the middle ages. Consider:

Shows such as Oprah, etc. regularly celebrate the triumphs of people with physical challenges; newspapers are full of such feel-good stories. I wish this girl the best of luck.
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ted, no. I like his wizened appearance, personally. But those dark rings beneath the eyes seem indicative of some kind of disease. But hey, I'm no doctor
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I am in agreement with bean, though I think it makes sense for some additional emphasis on the European holocaust for French children, given the locality of the history and continued relevance. But more generally,children ought to learn that our recent century was a century of holocausts, and to appreciate that the factors within human nature to produce holocausts remain everywhere.
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Hey Jerse, I'm so happy I can keep you amused. Of course you just resulted to insults, and had nothing else to say. Justin, the ringing phone seems meant to appear unrehearsed - she looks surprised, as if the whole piece was put together casually, with a playful friend making the 24 cue in the background. As I said, they commissioned an ad specifically crafted for 18-25 year olds. Agree or disagree with her motives people, but don't be naive.
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