DCer: come to Detroit, you'll get high taxes + no services. Unless you are in the process of being murdered, the police will probably won't arrive at all. If you're business has just been robbed, wait 4 hours or so for the police to arrive, then you'll be robbed again right after because the thieves know they'll have a leisurely time window. Decayed 1950's metropolis infrastructure + endemic corruption mean that tax dollars first go to lining pockets & maintaining streets where one house out of ten is occupied (other than with crackhead squatters or copper bandits). If you need a building inspector to help get the approval you need to get a business open in a reasonable manner, good luck. Good luck getting anything out of City Hall but bad attitude.
Yet on the plus side, the Downtown has changed dramatically in recent years. If you haven't been to Detroit for a while, you would not recognize the downtown. Its not Portland Oregon, but its definitely not what it used to be. This development may turn out to be the last hurrah of a moribund metropolis, who knows.
Flint is more depressing to me. Makes me think of purgatory.
Alex: I didn't use the word entrapment, which means something completely different, not "trapping somebody" . I also wondered what would happen if the guy had a gun - could have been a real public danger.
Christophe: I know the guy started it, and the video is a very funny just reward. It just seems blatantly illegal to kidnap someone, criminal or not. There must be some legal loophole that allows them to do this, like a citizen's arrest. Even so, I would think doing so exposes the producers to legal liabilities which far outweigh the ROI from one prank.
There must be some more background on this out there somewhere...
Turkey sausage stromboli, sun-dried tomato bruschetta. Truly the full list would be the whole store. I really don't shop anywhere else. I am always experimenting and finding something new there. I am always amazed at how much high-quality food I can get so cheap!
If you haven't tried it, you need to. Then you too will understand why it deserves a post on Neatorama!
Sid: In 10 years, it will look like a swirl of color, like a surrealistic painting. Maybe his artistic tastes will have evolved in the intervening years so that he will then appreciate it in its changed form.
Yet on the plus side, the Downtown has changed dramatically in recent years. If you haven't been to Detroit for a while, you would not recognize the downtown. Its not Portland Oregon, but its definitely not what it used to be. This development may turn out to be the last hurrah of a moribund metropolis, who knows.
Flint is more depressing to me. Makes me think of purgatory.
Christophe: I know the guy started it, and the video is a very funny just reward. It just seems blatantly illegal to kidnap someone, criminal or not. There must be some legal loophole that allows them to do this, like a citizen's arrest. Even so, I would think doing so exposes the producers to legal liabilities which far outweigh the ROI from one prank.
There must be some more background on this out there somewhere...
If you haven't tried it, you need to. Then you too will understand why it deserves a post on Neatorama!