You know something I came to realize was that when I was a little boy, and ignorant, I was told to believe in God. So I do this, but not under my love of him, it was my fear of him. Being told that if I don't believe I will be externally punished. That is an awful thing for the creator of man to do. Religion is for either the ignorant, or simply the scared. Scared that when you die you simply rot and turn to dust, but that is not the point. The only question you should ask is did I live life well, not will I get to go to heaven. That is all you Christians do is worship under fear, fear of nothing. And if God truly does exist then he should let all religions into his kingdom, because I know for one if you are born atheist you will probably end up atheist without being told to believe in God. Oh and evolution has been proved through carbon dating. If you don't know what that is look it up, evolution is the answer. The north and south poles are also huge proofs. Not to mention the dinosaurs, and even just our genes. Their is in fact a reason why we all have different color hair and it is not magic. So ask yourself this question and really ask, is it that you believe in God, or is it that you want to believe in God?
Oh and to quote Gandhi "I like your Jesus, but I don't like your Christians."
Oh and to quote Gandhi "I like your Jesus, but I don't like your Christians."