If you are a teenager and you want privacy, get a job and move out. If you are enjoying free rent at your parents house then you have no basis on which to complain. Nuff said.
I'm from Canada and my wife is from Russia, and we are now here in the US. We both come from socialist countries and know a socialist when we see one. I had suspected Obama was one all along and his recent comments about 'spreading the wealth around' confirmed my suspicions.
Socialism is BAD people! It punishes those who are successful and rewards those who are lazy. Less taxes on corporations are a GOOD thing. Who do you think employs you? What creates jobs in this country? Corporations do. If they get taxed more, they will NOT just take that out of their profits... it will be passed along to consumers through higher prices and through cost cutting by layoffs/hiring freezes. Especially in the current economic environment. That affects people like you and me.
This current trend towards the government acquiring stock in the major banks scares me. This whole bailout deal is a case of certain members of our government taking advantage of a tough situation. The government owning portions of capitalist institutions is straight out of the socialist playbook. Do you really want the government in control of your 401k/Mortgage?
Let those banks fail... serves them right for taking chances with risky investments. New ones will see the opportunity and rise to fill the gaps. We don't need a 'nanny' state taking care of our every need. Don't take handouts from the government... it doesn't help you in the long run. What helps you is if government assist you in getting a job. It's old adage: 'Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Show a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime.' America is the only place in this world where this concept rings true, at least so far.
If Obama is elected, we are one more step away from these ideals. No one in the House or Congress will oppose him.
Hmmm... they said the 2nd amendment applies to individuals and not just militias. Doesn't this mean that ALL gun control laws may now be considered unconstitutional?
Having a raising a child is the most selfless thing you can do in your life. It's 20 years of hard work, sweat and tears. It also gives you satisfaction like no other to see your children grow to be healthy, happy adults. Futhermore, parenthood binds a couple together like no other bond. This is coming from a father of 3 children.
In my opinion, this woman is hiding her selfishness beneath the veil of some insincere concern for the planet. That being said, parenthood is not for everyone. It's better to not have kids if you aren't absolutely sure that you want to. There is nothing more tragic than an unloved, unwanted child.
Socialism is BAD people! It punishes those who are successful and rewards those who are lazy. Less taxes on corporations are a GOOD thing. Who do you think employs you? What creates jobs in this country? Corporations do. If they get taxed more, they will NOT just take that out of their profits... it will be passed along to consumers through higher prices and through cost cutting by layoffs/hiring freezes. Especially in the current economic environment. That affects people like you and me.
This current trend towards the government acquiring stock in the major banks scares me. This whole bailout deal is a case of certain members of our government taking advantage of a tough situation. The government owning portions of capitalist institutions is straight out of the socialist playbook. Do you really want the government in control of your 401k/Mortgage?
Let those banks fail... serves them right for taking chances with risky investments. New ones will see the opportunity and rise to fill the gaps. We don't need a 'nanny' state taking care of our every need. Don't take handouts from the government... it doesn't help you in the long run. What helps you is if government assist you in getting a job. It's old adage: 'Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Show a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime.' America is the only place in this world where this concept rings true, at least so far.
If Obama is elected, we are one more step away from these ideals. No one in the House or Congress will oppose him.
Computers only do what instructed. If the instructions are messed up, its the humans fault!
In my opinion, this woman is hiding her selfishness beneath the veil of some insincere concern for the planet. That being said, parenthood is not for everyone. It's better to not have kids if you aren't absolutely sure that you want to. There is nothing more tragic than an unloved, unwanted child.