It sounds like he did it after the surgery was over. This is the kind of surgeon that I would want, because it probably means that he is also keeping up with new technologies and advancements in medicine, instead of thinking that he's been doing this for xx years so the old ways are the best.
"Most poor people are that way because they’re not too bright."- Wow statements like that make me weep. Based on one citing of anecdotal evidence darlzwik is convinced that all poor people are stupid and probably thinks they deserve to be poor. I guess that means I'm studying the wrong thing, since darlzwik seems to have solved the issues of poverty (Sociology), maybe next he can move on to racism and gender inequality.
Sorry that was so ignorant it needed to be pointed out. Also when we are talking about the difference between buying things in bulk and going to fast food, it's not just the cost of the food but the space and the cost of the appliances that are needed to store it and the time and the skills that are needed to cook it. When you look at the issue this way the price of buying in bulk goes up considerably.
I would of voted for McCain, but the McCain we all loved from 8 years ago. He destroyed the thing that made him a good political once he started pandering to the right to win the election.
I also find it hard to understand why everyone who says they are voting Republican because the Democrats are going to turn us into a big government. I don't think that the Republicans stand for small government any more, which we can clearly see in the policies of the last eight years.
Also the social issues I care about (abortion remaining legal, gay marriage to some extent) are better represented under Obama.
I think that comparatively, Obama will help heal the rift we have with the rest of the world much better than McCain could, and for me that is extremely important.
Everyone seems to site Obama's lack of experience, and sure he hasn't been in the Senate long but he is incredibly intelligent, a law professor and someone who has been trying to help make America a better place for a long time. And really I see that as experience. His intelligence will help him pick smart people in his cabinet, people with government or military experience, but also people who know what they are talking about.
As a kid I had psychophysiological insomnia. I remember that I would get nearly hysterical about the fact that I wasn't getting any sleep, which of course made it even more difficult to fall asleep. It only lasted for a couple weeks though and it was fixed by my mother reading me meditations for falling asleep (the kind where you picture a golden light traveling all over your body or imagining floating up to a cloud and being weightless).
I hate when people say things were so much better way back when. They weren't, you just hear about it more now. There still were rapes, murders and child abductions in the 70s but now we all hear about it. Actually there has been a decline in violence recently so statistically it's safer out there in the world.
Sorry that was so ignorant it needed to be pointed out. Also when we are talking about the difference between buying things in bulk and going to fast food, it's not just the cost of the food but the space and the cost of the appliances that are needed to store it and the time and the skills that are needed to cook it. When you look at the issue this way the price of buying in bulk goes up considerably.
I also find it hard to understand why everyone who says they are voting Republican because the Democrats are going to turn us into a big government. I don't think that the Republicans stand for small government any more, which we can clearly see in the policies of the last eight years.
Also the social issues I care about (abortion remaining legal, gay marriage to some extent) are better represented under Obama.
I think that comparatively, Obama will help heal the rift we have with the rest of the world much better than McCain could, and for me that is extremely important.
Everyone seems to site Obama's lack of experience, and sure he hasn't been in the Senate long but he is incredibly intelligent, a law professor and someone who has been trying to help make America a better place for a long time. And really I see that as experience. His intelligence will help him pick smart people in his cabinet, people with government or military experience, but also people who know what they are talking about.