gabi 2's Comments
There's an alarm clock I saw on that's just as ingenious/obnoxious. It's set on wheels an will move around to a random location in your room. To turn it off, you have to find it and with my luck, I'd probably find it and it would still evade me like a roadrunner cartoon.
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Too many people find more solace in people on tv or in chatrooms that they've lost the ability to interact on a face to face level. I don't think this would appeal only to single-parent homes; I know I've had trouble getting my family to do things that don't involve sitting on your ass watching tv. Rent-A-Family sounds very sad indeed but I understand the appeal.
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How many were involved in the undertaking before a consensus was taken on this list? Doctors, physical trainers, psychologists...many can attest to the fact that physical activity would boost satisfaction rather than decrease it. Why else are so many offices beginning to build gyms in their offices?
I have experience both in film editing and now as a scenic painter. The job field was more open as an editer, the pay was significantly higher...and yeah, that bit about the toxic fumes and physical labor are more prevalent in painting than in computer work but... I am vastly more satisfied painting than sitting.
This is a decent list...just the wrong categories. Best and worst are adjectives too broad to be determined objectively.
I have experience both in film editing and now as a scenic painter. The job field was more open as an editer, the pay was significantly higher...and yeah, that bit about the toxic fumes and physical labor are more prevalent in painting than in computer work but... I am vastly more satisfied painting than sitting.
This is a decent list...just the wrong categories. Best and worst are adjectives too broad to be determined objectively.
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During my internship, I lived in a place where Walmart wasn't conveniently accessible. After I got over my addiction to Walmart, I learned that there was a lot of crap I used to buy that I don't need. How many other people came in the store to buy some oven cleaner and walked out with a coffeemaker, new lipstick, four ill-fitting but cheap shirts and a couple 2 for $11 DVDs you will probably never watch? Perhaps I'm bitter towards Walmart (and malls) because I despise slow-moving people. Walmart should do like the escalators on the Metro and designate areas for those that walk and those that walk-so-slowly-they're-practically-standing.
Unions have a good and bad side. They protect the workers rights by limiting the amount of hours per week the company forces you to take as well as ensuring you get paid comfortably and far better than what we non-union workers get. However, limiting worktime also limits the quality of the quantity of work we received from them. Also, it's much harder for me to find a new job since most paint shops are unionized. Such is life...
Unions have a good and bad side. They protect the workers rights by limiting the amount of hours per week the company forces you to take as well as ensuring you get paid comfortably and far better than what we non-union workers get. However, limiting worktime also limits the quality of the quantity of work we received from them. Also, it's much harder for me to find a new job since most paint shops are unionized. Such is life...
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Befriending your parents on Facebook sounds so horrifying to many because they see their parents as authority figures and not as friends. Just like in a busiiness... you'll pal around with your coworkers but you probably won't hit up a bar crawl with your boss.
Just do away with all of this drama and return to the time when communication was done by carving into stone tablets. It's so time-consuming that the wild teens would rather walk the straight and narrow rather than put the effort needed to post a picture and caption from the weekend's kegger.
Just do away with all of this drama and return to the time when communication was done by carving into stone tablets. It's so time-consuming that the wild teens would rather walk the straight and narrow rather than put the effort needed to post a picture and caption from the weekend's kegger.
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I friended my college freshman cousin and talked to him often at first because he was homesick and boot camp was difficult ...but when things settled down and he got in the college groove, I let him do his own thing. He's got the right to have college adventures of his own without a family backseat of drivers. I hope he makes mistakes so that he can learn from them but I trust that the good head on his shoulders will keep him from making life-altering stupid mistakes. I can understand parents checking up on their young kids since they don't fully comprehend the scope of their actions but by the time they reach their young adult stage, I'm hoping youngins were taught right by mama and papa long ago. Smothering will only increase urge to rebel and take part in (and post up) the wild behaviors they want to hide from their parents but show off to the rest of the world. I know that for a fact because I had a couple of those photos before I graduated.
And another reason why I don't look at my younger cousin's profile: Looking at the crazy pictures and odd comments is an unwanted reminder that I am old and that I was probably once as ridiculous way way back when the earth's crust was just beginning to cool.
And another reason why I don't look at my younger cousin's profile: Looking at the crazy pictures and odd comments is an unwanted reminder that I am old and that I was probably once as ridiculous way way back when the earth's crust was just beginning to cool.
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I have a friend I met when she was working on her masters in Forensic Science and all these crime shows drove her crazy because of how unrealistic they are. She's obsessed with broadway musicals so I'm fairly sure she can tolerate unrealistic situations. What she despised was the influx of undergrad students coming in with preconceived ideas about the job field as well as those who took it because they thought it was like being the Jocks of the BioNerd World. She made it a rule that none of her students could make any references to these shows during class or in their papers.
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Sure it's a nice way to connect after graduation but of your 500+ facebook friends, how many are real-world friends as in you interact outside of the facebook wall sphere? If they are close friends, then they should have more than one way to contact you. I would've had no problem giving up my facebook account when my college email deactivated, if that had been the case. Facebook was just another extension of the bubble-environment of a college campus. I didn't share a dorm room, a graffiti party or an all-nighter with my parents and sure as [fill with word of choice] wouldn't share my facebook conversations with them either.
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I miss when it was just a networking site strictly for college students. I used my account less and less when a flood of high school students started adding ridiculousness(before they added the privacy settings, I had to see the amount of crazy my two high school cousins and their friends can cram into a day of facebooking) and with so many of my family recently joining and adding their 2 or 2000 cents to every one-sided conversation they read on my wall, I've been resorting back to other means of communication. If they find a way to hack into my email, cell phone conversations, text messages, encrypted spy codes, pony express mail.... I'm going to go off the grid and take a vow of silence.
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Tea has varying degrees of caffeine depending on the type of tea (white tea has very little). The reason it's hailed for health benefits is its high levels of antioxidants which fight free radicals that speed aging, promote cancer, and a whole slew of other things.
A CNN article I read recently said that Diet Soda's a bad idea because it's not real sugar, so it doesn't fix your body's sugar cravings. In turn, you eat more and more to find your sugar fix. It makes sense and so does this little bit you posted. Too bad it doesn't stop my family from guzzling down that ass soda.
A CNN article I read recently said that Diet Soda's a bad idea because it's not real sugar, so it doesn't fix your body's sugar cravings. In turn, you eat more and more to find your sugar fix. It makes sense and so does this little bit you posted. Too bad it doesn't stop my family from guzzling down that ass soda.
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I think he did it to draw attention to himself to get MORE fan mail. Yes, he's a beatle legend but at this point of his career, just how many new fans is he garnering? It must've gotten fairly stale. He's probably sitting in his house waiting for the influx of new mail to pour in.
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hmm... interesting how this blog describes an almost nonchalance about this just hours after my cousin and I (a year apart and both recently graduated) also discussed how we didn't feel the news frenzy panic in our day to day lives. Neither of us are stock-savvy or own property so we don't have major investments that can be at risk right now. There has been some hardships on my part...I work in the art field and art is one of those "luxury items" that are first to go at the sign of economic hardships (referencing to the recession rumors at the beginning of the year) but I knew long before I graduated that this is not a profession for financially faint of heart, but I still manage to eat out and have adventures occasionally. Like you said, it's all about living within your means.
And I've seen firsthand the ugly side of sensationalistic media and how very different it looks from the real world...they hardly ever speak lies but they rarely ever give just the bare truth. Always take with a grain of salt.
And I've seen firsthand the ugly side of sensationalistic media and how very different it looks from the real world...they hardly ever speak lies but they rarely ever give just the bare truth. Always take with a grain of salt.
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I've been keeping out it until just recently to avoid the political hoopla (an impossible feat). I'm leaning towards McCain but that changes every other minute. I really don't like Palin and it's terrifying to think of her as President of the Senate (in a congress that expects to be nearly 50-50 red and blue) and even more so as President of the US. You notice she hasn't had more than one press interview since selected as VP?? Even the Republican party doesn't seem to trust her on her own... It's because of things like that that I do occasionally look more favorably on Obama even though many of his goals are quite outlandish (and long term. Most of his ideas require faith that the following president would continue these plans when he/she takes over the office) but at least he'll state what his plans are and Biden is an experienced go-to man who has good standing with foreign politics and (more importantly) with reporters. A good face to the press will be crucial for either winner.
....I just flipflopped again didn't I? to be honest I had been pulling for Kucinich
....I just flipflopped again didn't I? to be honest I had been pulling for Kucinich
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Have the drinking age LOWER than the driving age (raising the driving age or lowering the drinking age or both...). Lowering the drinking age to 18 will entice the high schoolers to binge drink. Lowering it to 14 will entice the middle schoolers...but at least then, they don't have a logical reason for getting behind the wheel. Binge drinking is rooted mostly from the allure that alcohol is taboo. The earlier kids learn that drink's aren't magical (because of its illegal quality), they more likely they'll drink responsibly. My drinking habits changed drastically after I turned 21. I bet most of my friends would say the same thing.
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Perhaps it seems sad that people are paying actors money to act as family, but (money aside) I view this as no different than a number of people born into families that are less than ideal. Those people enrich their lives by creating a family composed of close-knit friends and mentors, thereby CHOOSING the people in their family. It would be emotionally more rewarding to pick family that way but some places and some people don't have that kind of luxury.