stacyj's Comments

Awww, gross as that is, that's still an awfully cute dog =) And while I was about to make the obligatory "What on earth is he doing leaving his dog in his car - in FLORIDA, no less?" comment, but I see he's already answered that at the end of the post itself, -maybe- it wasn't -quite- as bad as it seemed at first glance ... so instead I'll comment on my very favorite line from (near the end of) the post: "Then I took her to the beach Sunday for some fun. I love my dog..."

Perhaps that's a good guy, after all =)
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Good lord, those are some amazing pictures, if that had been me I never would have gotten within twenty feet of any body of water larger than a soup bowl again after that ... How amazing that everyone ended up okay (well, maybe "okay but for some tragic condition that rendered the author incapable of writing without excessive use of exclamation points" ;))
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Aww, a few years ago I was living right in the heart of London and inadvertently came upon the London marathon while I was out for a wander one day (not sure how I'd previously missed the fact that the thing was going to be occurring, but there ya go). I ended up right near the finish line as runners were finishing, it was the first time I'd ever seen an actual marathon and so I assumed that people would be incredibly triumphant as they crossed the finish line, jubilant and cheerful and celebratory ... instead, those poor people staggered across it as if on the very last breath of their lives, never have I seen such UTTERLY exhausted and wrung-out individuals *chuckle*

Running a marathon is no doubt cool and all, but oy vey, personally I'd pay a whole lot more to -not- ever look the way those poor runners looked at the end!
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What a clever idea, and well executed, imo (though I must say I'm unclear as to why Chewie would be wearing clothes back in WWII - more uptight 'decency standards' at the time, perhaps?). I love that Luke's lightsaber is plugged into that power pack on his back, that was a neat little touch ... sure hope he can unplug it to use it, though!
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How very neat, I bet those figures were a lot of fun to work on. Haven't yet browsed the entire collection but I'm looking forward to it - thanks for pointing it out!
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Ha, at first I didn't notice anything at all but once that optical effect kicked in, it WAS pretty neat! I do agree with bean that it seems somewhat problematic in terms of drivers not having time to process the illusion, or of it being worryingly distracting to drunk (or sober!) drivers ... but even so I can't help but admire its cleverness =) Perhaps it'd be a good ad for those marquees inside airports, or subways, or other places where passersby are walking rather than driving ...
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Aww, I just woke up and already my day has been -made- =) What an awesome thing to do, and I love that they truly went all-out for it ... Go Mudcats and Lugnuts!
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D'oh, sorry about that, the link redirected to a neatorama 404 page for some reason (come to think of it, a "preview" button so we could check stuff like wonky links before posting would be most appreciated) ... Um, at any rate, the 'Goofy Holler' I'm referring to is described in a little more detail at Wikipedia ...

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Wikipedia, is there ANYTHING you can't tell me about?
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Ha, that's pretty cool, I'd not realized it was used in Space Balls as well as Star Wars - what a neat touch. Although I must say that as far as stock screams go even it doesn't quite compare to the one used all the time in old(ish) Disney cartoons (especially Goofy ones) - YAAH-hoohoohoo-hoy!

Makes me giggle every time =)
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Wow, that's a brilliant idea, if they can get it to work. When I lived in Chicago I never had much problem driving in snow, but lord, those occasional "black ice" patches were truly terrifying (to say the least!). Here's hoping this idea comes to fruition!
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Yeah, I can see how Apple's reputation could be "seriously injured" by inadvertent association with an organization dedicated towards bettering the environment; who among us -doesn't- get worked up into a frothy rage at the thought of clean air or unpolluted water?
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Heh, I love the April Fool's joke going on over at MetaFilter, that's the first time in a while I've actually been freaked out over an April Fool's Joke ("What the heck is wrong with my monitor?? I can't afford a new computer!!") ... evil, clever stuff ...
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Great, now that "If I Had a Hammer" song is going to be stuck in my head all day long - bah!

Speaking of that, though, this McSweeney's post on Pete Seeger's requests for a hammer is pretty darned funny -and- in keeping with the theme of this quiz ...
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