I have to agree with those 80%, the sense of entitlement this suggests is really off-putting. "Why should I have to plan ahead or deal with traffic like the common masses when I can afford my own plane?" Feh =P I hope the FAA -does- revoke his license, let him have to schlep around on the ground with the rest of us ...
Aw, come on, it's still okay to die, you'd just darned well better not do it "in the parish" ... maybe some enterprising villager can start up some sort of really macabre tram service or one-way tour bus to get those blasted dying people out of town before they go breaking the law ...
Kinda makes me wonder what other "disorders" are STILL in the DSM-IV that we'll be shuddering at in 20-30 years wondering how anybody could possibly have been so ignorant. I certainly don't deny that some people do need psychological help, but lord, that line between "not like the majority" and "psychologically deviant" seems awfully arbitrary and fuzzy at times ...
Bomb shelter! Cool! Although I do find this comment rather ironic: "... it's hard to imagine Americans were once so paranoid that they built backyard bomb shelters."
Because today we're so trusting and sensible and not at all paranoid? I ... feel I should make some sort of snarky TSA comment here but nothing seems quite adequate ...
Why would one's friends be unable to survive without you for a day? Personally I think this sounds like a great idea, and the fact that I'm not even sure whether or not I would actually make it through the day without "peeking" at the internet makes it seem all the more like something I ought to try. The guy has the right idea about not becoming a slave to one's communication devices, imo ...
Oh man, just imagine if we had those things here in the US - the writer's strike never would have even mattered, the wealth of wacky comedy gold such as those things offer just about writes itself ...
Oh man, Ali S., you're missing out if you've never had a Cuban sandwich - not sure how the Toronto ones rate but in Tampa, FL where I'm originally from ... mmm, ham and pork and mustard and pickles and swiss cheese, all on that heavenly, oh-so inimitable Cuban bread, hot from the sandwich press and served with a side of black bean soup for dipping ... I'm not even much of a meat-eater but those things are irresistible.
Go! Visit! Bliss out on the meaty, sandwichy goodness!
How interesting that even watching food get splattered can be downright disturbing when they've been anthropomorphized ... I thought it was going to be silly but it actually felt surprisingly grave; very interesting (and Alex, I just wanted to point out that there's not yet a link attached to that "cheat sheet" thing, just the -word- "link") ...
Arrgh, I saw something about this a week ago and have been trying hard, so hard, to put it out of my mind in the hopes that I might still at least glean some sort of anti-flu placebo effect off of my shot ... now I'm gonna have to go hide in my anti-viral doomsday bunker clear through to May, I hope you're happy!
Aww, that's awesome that they made a father-son project out of that - and how interesting, too, I mean I'd always realized different pennies were lighter or darker than others, but it had never occurred to me that the difference was so extreme that you could actually take advantage of it in making a picture ...
(And btw, I love the turn of phrase, "do something about his collection" instead of 'do something -with- it,' it almost makes it sound like a problem that needed to be addressed (and let's face it, 30 years' worth of pennies kind of -is- a problem) =)
Hmm ... every time I've seen a discussion on eating so-called "live" octopus, someone always chimes in to point out that actually the octopus is cut up immediately prior to consumption - that is to say, the tentacles are still constricting and moving, but really they're ... eh, dead but really, really, really fresh ....
Personally I don't like seafood so it's not something I'd eat either way, but it does seem like a worthwhile point to bring up - people aren't eating living octopus, if that's the aspect that's bothering you perhaps you can rest a little more easily now ...
Very cool! I'm glad he kept going with that idea, I remember seeing one of the original posts of science-themed tattoos and thinking it was pretty darned neat ... the fact that there continue to be so many new ones that he's actually made a blog about it rocks!
Hmm ... the borderline-germophobe in me finds this concept more than a little disturbing ('ick factor,' indeed!). The strange thing, though, is that it seems like the "has my magazine already been licked?" problem could have been avoided if, instead of having a peel-off sticker, they just made the flavored section itself peel-off ... peel the patch off of the ad, lick and discard, leaving the magazine delightfully slobber free!
Because today we're so trusting and sensible and not at all paranoid? I ... feel I should make some sort of snarky TSA comment here but nothing seems quite adequate ...
Go! Visit! Bliss out on the meaty, sandwichy goodness!
(And btw, I love the turn of phrase, "do something about his collection" instead of 'do something -with- it,' it almost makes it sound like a problem that needed to be addressed (and let's face it, 30 years' worth of pennies kind of -is- a problem) =)
Personally I don't like seafood so it's not something I'd eat either way, but it does seem like a worthwhile point to bring up - people aren't eating living octopus, if that's the aspect that's bothering you perhaps you can rest a little more easily now ...