The Micro-heroes remind me a bit of those extremely annoying giant smileys that bounce up and down, wiggle around and oscillate on most every web page I visit.You need to find some new webpages to visit, dude. :)
Less bacteria than the toilet water? It sounds gross on the surface of things, but what if it only means that restraunt toilets are really really clean?
Without more context, the conclusions are meaningless.
People shouldn't scream about them not cutting their emissions entirely. It's still far, far better than them doing nothing to cut emissions, which is what they would be doing otherwise.
I recall an article about how "if we treated global warming as a technical problem instead of a moral outrage, we could cool the world." (Silly Libertarians...)
Some BBSs let you turn off signature blocks. :)
Without more context, the conclusions are meaningless.
I recall an article about how "if we treated global warming as a technical problem instead of a moral outrage, we could cool the world." (Silly Libertarians...)