Paul in Boca's Comments

Michael Franti said it best: "You say you're a Christian cause God made you. You say you're a Muslim cause God made you. You say you're a Hindu and the next man a Jew. Then we all kill each other cause God told us to." Religion has no place in government.
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For a succinct view of Obama's accomplishments, go here:
Comments on that? The saddest thing is the way she is being shielded from any press. Granted, we haven't had investigative press since Woodward and Bernstein during Watergate. Someone a heartbeat away from the most important job on earth (and that's a 72 year old 4 time cancer survivor's heartbeat) needs to be vetted by the American people. And the Charlie Gibson interview that has been announced will be no more that a simple question love fest, with no controversial questions put to her at all.
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I did what you suggested, went to Snopes. Put "Sarah Palin" in their search box, and received three responses. Let me respond to you, point by point.
1. She is not for teaching creationism in schools. In the second Snopes discussion, it states she supports creationism but did nothing as Governor to promote it. So I'll concede this one to you.
2. Shooting wolves from planes. Not discussed on Snopes. Google "Sarah Palin + shooting wolves from planes" on the Snopes web site and you find 160,000 pages. I looked at the first 10 and they all said she condones it. Since you don't write very succinctly, I think you are saying "kill the wolves because wolves kill moose. We depend on moose for food." OK, I'll give you that one, but she did offer a $150 per front left leg of each wolf killed. (Anchorage Daily News, March 21, 2007.)
"Feminism has nothing to do with empowering women. It only serves to advance liberalism." Huh? Can you prove that convoluted thought?
Stem cell research: She is opposed. See The Boston Globe, August 29, the column titled "Articles of Faith". The headline of that particular column is "Sarah Palin on faith, life and creation".
Bridge to Nowhere, which falls under the "Pork Barrel" spending issue:
She did keep the money, but can you prove she spent it to improve roads and schools? She hired a lobbyist associated with Ted Stevens and Jack Abramhoff to raise $27 million in pork for a town of 5,000 people. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.
A couple of highlights from the second article on Snopes, which you probably did not read:
During her mayoral administration, most of the actual work of running her small town of 5000 people was turned over to an administrator. Kind of refutes her "executive experience", I would say.
During her 6 years as Mayor, general government expenditures increased by 33%, and the amount of taxes increased by 38%. She inherited a town with zero debt and left it with a debt of 22 million dollars.
"Troopergate." Discussed extensively at Snopes, you might have heard about it since you live in Alaska.
As Governor, she gave the Legislature no direction and no budget guidelines.
I could go on and on, but I hope you get the idea.
Doesn’t it scare you that a person with these significant lack of qualifications has been nominated for the Vice Presidency of the United States? I’ll tell you, it sure as hell scares me.
I am NOT sorry to confuse you with the truth.
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September 6th, 2008 at 10:03 am
Nielo says : “Which one do you suppose garners the support of feminists?”

Green, let's take it even farther. SP believes creationism should be taught in schools. SP was for the bridge to no where before she was against it. But she did keep the $250+ million dollars in earmark money for the state. She is in favor of hunting bears, wolves, and other animals by shooting said animals from a low flying airplane. She is against stem cell research. We could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.
Neilo, what kind of convoluted, twisted logic would make you think feminists would support Palin just because Clinton isn't on the D's ticket? I guess you're today's living character from Orwell, since you seem to believe that up is down, black is white.
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So a typical Ypsilon goes for 9,700 Euros, which is about $14,300 USD. He earns, on average, $15,000,000 per movie. So he spent 0.000936 of his movie earnings to replace this car. I am so not impressed. And what the hell was he driving, a "black saloon"? WTF??
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