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The Thirsty Tree of Chapel Rock

(Photo: Zeo Rudiskill)

(Photo: Dave Hogg)

Chapel Rock is an unusual rock formation in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, a national preserve and recreation area in the United States on Lake Superior. A single tree stands on the rock. How does it survive? Its roots reach across the gap to soil on the mainland.

Link -via Kuriositas

Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical

(YouTube link)

This stage production by Rhett & Link follows Walt and Jesse through five seasons of Breaking Bad, complete with appropriate songs. There's also speculation on what will happen in season six, because it's a show and they had to have some kind of ending. As silly as the whole idea is, the kids have some real talent. -via Metafilter

Save to Your Pip Boy: This Fallout Picture is Amazing

This Vault Boy portrait by Redditor LHJay is worth its weight in bottle caps -which is pretty darn valuable in the world of Fallout.

Link Via Geekologie

Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor

The wait is over: BBC has announced in a live event that Peter Capaldi will star as the 12th Doctor in its hit sci-fi series Doctor Who.

Capaldi, a 55-year-old actor from Glasgow, will replace Matt Smith as the time-traveling Doctor. "It's wonderful not to keep this secret any longer," Capaldi said, "but it's been so fantastic ... For a while I couldn't tell my daughter who would be looking on the Internet and discovering that people have been saying so-and-so should be Doctor Who and she was getting rather upset that they never mentioned me."

Playing the Doctor will actually not be Capaldi's first time starring in the series. In 2008, he played Roman merchant Caecilius who escaped the eruption of Mount Vesuvius thanks to intervention by the Doctor in The Fires of Pompeii episode.

Peter Capaldi as Lucius Caecilius Iucundus - via TARDIS Data Core

Lead writer and executive producer Steve Moffat, praised Capaldi as "One of the most talented actors of his generation [who is] about to play the best part on television."

Some Doctor Who fans, however, question why the current regeneration breaks the seemingly "ever younger" regeneration of the Doctor.

View Doctor Who items on sale at the NeatoShop

What do you think of the choice of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor?

Drunk Man Wakes Up Without Penis

Men, if you ever passed out drunk and woke up to find your so-called-friends had taken unflattering photos, consider yourself lucky. At least you woke up ... uhm, "intact."

Not such luck for Geraldo Ramos. The 64-year-old man from Santiago, Dominican Republic, woke up after a night of heavy drinking without his penis. According to local TV station Noticisas Sin, neighbors told Ramos that he was attacked by a dog. Ramos, on the other hand, had no recollection that he was deprived of his manhood by man's best friend.

If indeed that was the case, it wouldn't be the first time in recent past that something like this happened - last month, a paralyzed man in Arkansas woke up to find his new puppy was snacking on him.

Regardless of who took his penis, Ramos considered the incident as a wake up call for him and planned to quit boozin' in the future.

Starcher Trek--A Star Trek and Archer Mashup

(Video Link)

The casting choices are perfect: Sterling Archer as Captain Kirk, Lana Kane as Lt. Uhura and Ray Gilette as Lt. Sulu. This funny mashup of Star Trek: The Animated Series and Archer shows a failing starship agency led by a lecherous idiot who manages to succeed in spite of himself.

-via Nerd Approved

Fast Food Workers Gone Wild

What do you get when you combine young fast food employees with poor impulse control and low wages so they don't care about keeping their jobs? Fast food shenanigans that's pure Internet gold.

Here are a few examples of fast food workers gone wild (before they got fired anyhow) ... now, who wants to go grab a burger?

Burger King Bun Bed

Need a quick nap? This Japanese Burger King employee decided to make a comfy bed out of burger buns. But we wonder: what the heck is in that bucket?

The Taco Bell Taco-Licker

It's one thing to lick a stack of taco shells, it's another thing to lick a stack of taco shells, then post the photo to Taco Bell's official Facebook page! That sure got management's attention, who got the last lick by firing the taco-licker.

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4-Car Train Covered with Crocheted Yarn

(Photo: Hi-Fructose)

Olek, the famous yarn bomber whose work we've featured previously, engaged in her boldest ever public crocheting project:

At the beginning of July, rogue crocheter Olek consumed herself with her largest endeavor yet: an entire locomotive covered in her signature medium. After two days of installing round the clock, in the rain, with the help of four assistants, the ambitious project debuted on July 13 and will be on view in Lodz, Poland through August 19. Though physically grueling, the project represented a homecoming for the Polish-born, New York-based artist, who is amid a prolific year of international travels, gallery shows and street art projects.

You can see more photos of the train at the link.

Link -via Colossal | Artist's Website

First Driving Lesson

(YouTube link)

A Korean woman takes her first driving lesson. From the camera setup, this appears to be a professional teacher, who, in my opinion, is particularly restrained when he starts yelling just seconds into the lesson. This makes me feel much better about my teenage driving student, who has yet to fail this badly. Knock wood. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Netflix Removes Star Trek Movie Until It Can Verify That the Klingon and Vulcan Translations Are Correct

Why did Netflix pull down Star Trek III: The Search for Spock? Well, you wouldn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing to a Klingon warrior. You could end up with a mek'leth through your skull. Radio Times reports:

Netflix US is to remove Star Trek III: The Search For Spock from its film listings until it is able to provide authentic subtitles for the Vulcan and Klingon diagloue.

The on-demand service thinks it can do the tranlsation work in about a week – and credit to them for trying. It seems most DVDs have simply injected a lot of English dubbing to overcome the problem, hiding behind the suggestion that people don’t like subtitles.

This is not a popular choice among fans – particularly those who’ve actually learnt the language (Netflix could do with finding these guys).

Link -via Flavorwire

(Image: Paramount)

Literary Ice Cream Flavors

Brett Cohen came up with some fictional ice cream flavors inspired by books! With a little imagination and Photoshop, they are presented as flavors of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. They all seem like something the the company would come up with. Clockwork Orange Creamsicle sounds delicious, if a little violent. See the rest at Quirk Books. Link -via Boing Boing

Big Rock Candy Mountains

(YouTube link)

This seems like a combination of Nerdy Love Song and Cats Demand to be Petted. Riley Brown tries her best to continue playing the song, despite an overly needy cat. I think I know the problem: she's in the bathroom for the acoustics, and cats know that when you sit on a toilet, you have nothing better to do than pet a cat. It's not the first time this has happened. -via Tastefully Offensive

Could Dragons Have Evolved if Evolution Had Taken a Different Turn?

That's the question posed by Bjorn Carey of Popular Science. He consulted Jack Conrad, a paleontologist, who says that the basic components of a dragon are available in the animal world:

In Conrad’s opinion, the leathery wings of a pterosaur are the best possible flight mechanism for a giant lizard. “Quetzalcoatlus had a 30-foot wingspan,” he says. “That would do the trick.” Big, strong wings are necessary to compensate for the weight of a dragon’s skin, which, of course, would need to withstand bow-and-arrow attacks. “Let’s throw a little alligator in there for armor,” Conrad says. An alligator’s skin, he explains, is made partly of bony plates. When European settlers first encountered the reptiles, the skin proved to be tough enough to turn away a musket ball, plenty strong for a dragon.

OK, so we’ve got a very large alligator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire. Now it just needs to breathe flames. This is where no parallel exists—there are no known animals that can spit fire or even a flammable liquid. But there are some beetles that can shoot caustic chemicals from their abdomen that can burn people’s skin, so it’s not totally out of the question that some animal at some point in time could make a flammable liquid. Cobras can spit venom with great accuracy at objects six feet away; the dragon could borrow that ability to propel the flammable liquid. As for lighting it? “Well, maybe, if you had some specialized organ like an electric eel’s tail dangling in the mouth, that could spark that liquid and allow the creature to breathe fire,” Conrad says. “Of course, this is all very theoretical.”

Link -via Kirsten Thompson

If You're Reading This, It's Already Too Late

Best Western. Forrest City, Arkansas, USA (2008)

Comedian David Bussell has stayed in a lot of hotels over the years, and decided that he should leave a bit of something ... in form of a hidden message behind mirrors, paintings, and other obscure places in the room. Next time you stay in a hotel, try to see if a fellow traveler has left you something. Behold, Hotel Graffiti - via Metafilter

Peuto San Jose. Costa Verde, Guatemala (2010)

Royal Bath Hotel. Bournemouth, England, UK (2009)

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Han Solo in Jello is Just the Beginning

Ruby turned six years old and had a-themed birthday party, with all the trimmings, from Yoda Soda to Pin the Buns on Leia. See many of the pun-tastic party foods and favors at Imgur. Link  -via Geeks Are Sexy

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