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Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments

Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments (sold individually)

Oh, we know what you are thinking. What! Christmas stuff already! It isn't even Halloween yet.

Okay, you can stop feigning disgust. We know for a fact that several of you have already started your Christmas shopping. So to those well organized and delightful individuals, who can't contain their excitement about the upcoming holidays, we present the Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments from the NeatoShop. Everyone else please close your eyes, and no peaking! 

The Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments are made of glass and feature hand-painted details. They are available in TARDIS and Dalek. Buy both and make your Doctor Who fan very merry.   

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Doctor Who items.


Le Piano Vivant (The Living Piano)

(YouTube link)

Remember Athanasius Kircher's cat piano? Of course you do; it's a t-shirt now. The human version has been brought to reality in Quebec. From the YouTube link:

Set during the Festival d'Opéra de Québec, TFO brought opera to the people by inviting the public to engage with a new interactive and never- seen-before instrument. The Living Piano is a 12-note, giant keyboard that you play with your feet, featuring opera singers who elegantly belt out their corresponding notes as the different keys are played. From children to seniors to the occasional dog, TFO allowed the public to play with and discover opera as they moved from note to note, making music every step of the way.

No tail-poking necessary. -via the Presurfer

The Coziest Critters In Town

Critters in slippers are simply adorable, especially when they're utterly ridiculously huge like the ones on this kitty. If you just can't get enough of these cuties, you'll certainly appreciate this great BuzzFeed articles featuring 20 animals in slippers.


How to Pipe Like a Pirate with Jack Sparrow

(YouTube link)

Arrr! The Unipiper is at it again! Excuse me, make that the Unipirate! I don't know if Brian Kidd talks like a pirate, but he's celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day by playing the pipes on his unicycle dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. -Thanks, Brian!

Anatomically Correct Chocolates

Visual Anatomy Limited offers medical illustrations and chocolate. While those two businesses don't appear to really mesh, the chocolates come in the shapes of bodily organs. You can get chocolates brains, hearts, livers, colons, ears, eyes, skulls, pelvis bones, pancreas, kidneys, or other organs, in small or large sizes, or in assorted gift boxes. Some are even available on a stick! Link -via Laughing Squid

Everything is Samuel L. Jackson's Fault

(Funny or Die Link)

Use some common sense. Young or impressionable kids should not watch Samuel L. Jackson movies, mainly because they are all rated R. Then there's the Star Wars prequels, which kids should not watch because they just aren't very good. -via Geeks Are Sexy 

GTA V Review: So Realistic It's Boring

(YouTube link)

Grand Theft Auto V is supposed to be the most realistic video game ever. College Humor ponders whether that might not be such a great thing. After all, we play videos to get away from the real world, right? -via Daily Picks and Flicks

An Honest Trailer for World War Z

(YouTube link)

Screen Junkies gives Brad Pitt's World War Z the honest trailer treatment. This was the first film I'd gone to a theater to see in years, and found it utterly forgettable, for reasons that will be made clear in this video. -via reddit

Dancing Queen of the Bus Stop

iPod? Check.

Headphones? Check.

Music? Check.

Having the time of your life? Check, check, and ... CHECK for hidden cameras if you're dancing by yourself while waiting for the bus.

Thirty five-year old secretary Ellie Cole of Eastleigh, England, became a minor Internet celebrity when this video clip, titled "Eastleigh's Got Talent," went viral.

Back in April, YouTuber Jane Rowland noticed a woman dancing across the street from her cafe, J's Corner Cafe, on Bishopstoke Road, Eastleigh. So she took out her camera, videotaped Cole tapping her toes and wagging her fingers. Her partner Nigel Baker, a former DJ, set it to the soundtrack of ABBA's Dancing Queen. Baker told the Daily Mail, "I chose a soundtrack of Dancing Queen by ABBA as it seemed so appropriate, though I had no idea what she was really humming."

Cole later admitted that she was listening to Alesha Dixon's hit "Knock Down" (Alesha later praised Cole's moves as "brilliant"). Cole said this about her dancing routine, "My mum thinks I'm bonkers. But I'm a normal 34-year-old woman who just loves to dance."

Rowland's video clip went viral (after it was mercilessly copied by other YouTubers - a sad but incredibly common state of affairs, but that's another story), and writers for AH Men and director Lynne Paris took notice. They've invited Cole to perform on stage for a one-time performance last weekend.

You are the dancing queen, girl!

Calvin & Muad'Dib Brilliantly Combines Calvin & Hobbes with Dune

The sleeper must awaken...and shovel the snow. The blog Calvin & Muad'Dib combines the sayings of the messianic character Paul Muad'Dib from Dune and panels from Bill Watterson's Calvin & Hobbes. They work perfectly.

Link -via io9

The Slanted Trees of Slope Point

(Photo: Seabird NZ)

Slope Point is the southernmost point of the southern island of New Zealand. The winds blow fiercely, but also consistently from the south. Consequently, trees there grow leaning toward the north. You can see more photos of them at the link. 


Featured Costume: The Partyin' Unicorn

Sometime in the late '80s, Neatoramanaut Billy P. became a unicorn for Halloween!

I had a big brushed Tail you can see hanging down.  Long ass pony tail/mane down the back. I gave away chocolate covered strawberries and Champagne all night.(I was the sound mixer for the bands that night) That is an Original Johnny Carson suit from the early '70's.

And a good time was had by all. Thanks, Billy!

Featured Costume: The Li'l Pirate

Look at this little pirate -a young Errol Flynn? No, it's Neatoramanaut Peter Walker!

My Mom made this costume for me. It was in 1953.
I was eight years old.
I loved it.

That's the Halloween he'll never forget. Thanks, Peter!

Send us a picture of your most memorable Halloween costume! Email it to and then look for it on the Halloween Blog during October. The best costumes will win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!

Featured Costume: Forrest Gump

Jennifer LeBaron had the perfect costume for a race.
My favorite costume was this one I wore to our local elementary school's Halloween Fun Run. I got many double takes as I ran my 3 miles dressed as Forrest Gump.
Run, Forrest, Run! Thanks, Jennifer!

Featured Costume: The Taco

Through the month of October, Neatorama will feature our readers' Halloween costumes of the past. The very first costume picture sent in was this tasty taco! Emily Towers' grandmother made this costume for her.

My grandmother made all my Halloween costumes growing up. She was a very talented seamstress.  For the 4th grade I told her I wanted to be a taco, my favorite food. She was from Hungary, and didn't know what a taco was. But she bought some magazines and did her best down to the sliced tomato pillows. I got to lead the parade at school!

That looks spicy -and adorable. Thanks, Emily!

Send us a picture of your most memorable Halloween costume! Email it to and then look for it on the Halloween Blog during October. The best costumes will win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! 

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