I personally know some great adults that were home schooled. Also, nine U.S. presidents were home schooled(see list below). It doesn't look like turned out so bad. Okay, I also know a few kind of goofy home schooled children. But I can honestly say the worst behaved and most dangerous children I've seen were in our pubic schools. Plenty of kids in public school are abused and nothing is done about it. I was an elementary ed. major for 3 years and worked a number of months at several pubic school with teachers and guidance counselors. Because of what I saw I came to the conclusion that I did not want to be a teacher there. After seeing those video clips of recent problems in schools with disruptive and disrespectful kids I cringe to think that children could be forced to attend there. I don't call that quality education. Of course some schools are better than others no doubt. The home schoolers I know are not kept at home all the time. They meet up with other homeschoolers seveal times a week. There are lots of museum outings and social activities for them to participate in. Some of the children had struggled in public schools but are now learning much better in a less stressful environment while still enjoying group sports, social activites and lots of field trips. I've been looking into homeschooling my children. I think that is the kind of teaching I really want to do. I hope that right is never taken away. Guess we'll have to fight for it.
here's a few famous hoeschooled individuals-
PRESIDENTS-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, William Henry Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D Roosevelt
FAMOUS WOMEN- Abigail Adams, Mercy Warren, Martha Washington, Forence Nightingale, Phyllis Wheatley, Agatha Christie, Pearl S. Buck
GENERALS-"Stonewall" Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Douglas MacArthur, George Patton
ARTISTS-John Singleton Copley, Andrew Wyeth, Rembrandt Peale, Claude Monet, Ansel Adams
AUTHORS-Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Irving Berlin, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis
COMPOSERS-Anton Bruckner, Felix Mendelssohn, Amadeus Mozart, Francis Poulenc
PREACHERS & MISSIONARIES-John & Charles Wesley, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, William Carey, Dwight L. Moody, John Newton, Hudson Taylor
CHIEF JUSTICES U.S. SUPREME COURT-John Rutledge, John Jay, John Marshall
DIVERSELY TALENTED-Blaise Pascal, Booker T. Washington, Thomas Edison,Benjamin Franklin,Andrew Carnegie, John Stuart Mill
This makes me sick how kids are so disrepectful to teachers. It looks like they're making it difficult for the teacher to teach, then try to make the teacher out as a bad guy. What is he supposed to do? So sad what our schools have come to. Poor teachers and good students :(
I saw this recently with my son. It was cool and the creatures looked real to me. I'm a creationist but I still enjoy seeing what they think these creatures may have looked like.
I usually have weak immune system and catch bugs easily. I know a herbalist who is a Medical Doctor as well and she told me to try this. So this winter I bought some herbal extract drops with 2 kinds of echinacea plus golden seal and it has worked for me. I got the kind processed with alcohol instead of the "alcohol free" kind because it's supposed to be more potent. There are different brand that probably would work. Oh an don't expect it to taste good. That golden seal is bitter. I think it's worth it. Wishing good health to you all. Oh yeah and drink LOTS of water if you can. It's simple but that helps too.
So she was in a coma from phycological shock of hearing that her baby had died. That's freaky. Glad it had a good ending for her. That's sad about the newborn though.
Okay they aren't the smartest but I always thought goldfish had a longer memory then scientists gave them credit for. I'm sure they can come up with a better experiment. This one doesn't "hold much water" with me. The fish may just have been hungry and checking otu the new onject. BTW, goldfish need a 30 gallon or bigger aquarium to be kept healthy. The bowls are just temporary death traps.
here's a few famous hoeschooled individuals-
PRESIDENTS-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, William Henry Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D Roosevelt
FAMOUS WOMEN- Abigail Adams, Mercy Warren, Martha Washington, Forence Nightingale, Phyllis Wheatley, Agatha Christie, Pearl S. Buck
GENERALS-"Stonewall" Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Douglas MacArthur, George Patton
ARTISTS-John Singleton Copley, Andrew Wyeth, Rembrandt Peale, Claude Monet, Ansel Adams
AUTHORS-Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Irving Berlin, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis
COMPOSERS-Anton Bruckner, Felix Mendelssohn, Amadeus Mozart, Francis Poulenc
PREACHERS & MISSIONARIES-John & Charles Wesley, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, William Carey, Dwight L. Moody, John Newton, Hudson Taylor
CHIEF JUSTICES U.S. SUPREME COURT-John Rutledge, John Jay, John Marshall
DIVERSELY TALENTED-Blaise Pascal, Booker T. Washington, Thomas Edison,Benjamin Franklin,Andrew Carnegie, John Stuart Mill