MoniA 1's Comments

My 6 year old doesn't really nag me for stuff. This might be because we don't watch any TV. We rent the shows we want to see so there are no commercials. He does like Batman and Spidey because that's what his best friend likes. He got Spiderman stuff for his birthday but the art supplies have turned out to be his favorites. I think NOT watching TV is the single best way to get kids way from all the crappy advertising. So far so good.
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this is weird beyond description. I don't understand how she just stayed there, slept and everything. I can hardly sit still anywhere for more than an hour or so. Why didn't he call the police after a few days???
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Ohhh that Tasmanian devil is cute. I've never seen a pet skunk but I've heard that they make good ones. I remember watching a mama skunk and her little trail of babies once. They were adorable. Of course I've never been sprayed or smelled skunk close up, so I haven't developed that much dislike for them. From far away skunk doesn't smell so bad to me. It reminds me of burnt pie crust. LOL
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Thanks for the translation Shervin. I think they're overfeeding him. Oh yeah, milk can make you fat. There may be a metabolism issue or something that added to it but I'd say too many calories = fat is the main reason. Poor kid...I mean baby. It's hard to believe he's just 6 months.
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Daniel Kim,
Good one. LOL :)
Life is hard enough. We don't need to purposely put our kids in bad situations. There are plenty of bullies and mean people out there for them to interact with even if they don't atend public school. Heck you even see rude people online quite often. There's just no escaping.
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Be sure to check out the link at the end of my last post. There are just some of the currently homeschooled celebrities and athletes featured. I had a good friend in highschool that was homeschooled by his grandmother while he competed in the olympics. I graduated from public school and college but had some homeschooled friends. No, I don't think any currently homeschooled child will become a future president. Maybe this country would be better off if they did though. The way politics are these days I don't think I'd want my child running for president.
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