I think cafeteria food certainly DOES make kids fat! In the 9th grade I spent a year in PA with my grandparents. We had greasy pizza almost every other day at school. You could turn it on it's side and watch the grease run off. I went from being a skinny kid to not so skinny that year and had to start dieting. And from what I recall, pretty much everyone ate the food. I also remember them serving us milkshakes every day. I'm mostly vegan now and happy about that decision.
I used to a take baths in the laundry sinks at summer camp. They only had showers and it got cold at night. A hot bath was a great way to warm up. I was pretty light and small for my age, so I don't think it did any harm. This guy at Burger King creeps me out. Imagine all the stuff that goes on that they don't get on video.
I took the kids to see a "Live Bugs from Around the World" show today. The presenter told us to look up jumping spiders on youtube, so I did. He had this big African Millipede that the kids got to touch. It reminded me of a snake with hundreds of squiggly little legs underneath. Bugs and spiders are really interesting. I think I enjoyed the show as much as the kids did.
I've been posting pics my son took for my family and friends. He was 3 yrs when he started. There are some good ones too because I let him take hundreds and then I pick out a handful of only the best shots. That's the good thing about digital ;) Then when they see the shots they think he's photography prodigy. ha ha
The house looks so pretty and cheerful from the outside. What a contrast from what was going on inside. So sad. I pray that the lady can recover her sanity.
So I take it these people can't help their condition. They are doing the best they can and want the best for their son. I wish them well. That's too bad the lady looks masculine. Once again, it's not her fault. it must be hard for her. I'm sure some people look at her as a monster. sad
"sometimes a smile means more than a dozen roses" :)
gtron- maybe it was their orignal smile that they produced, not the original first smile in the planet.