demar's Comments

I was just surprised to hear that this wasn't in the US. it just sounds like something we would do.

Oh, wait, never mind. In order to get on welfare in the states you have to be a crack head too.
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that'll teach you to bake cookies.

That old women was trying to teach you a lesson that a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen. How dare you bake cookies in today's society?!?!?!?!

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I am guessing that either a teen wrote this and it was copy and pasted here, or some teenager whined and complained until their parent wrote the article for them. I will agree that kids need to have some techie skills, but being able to comment on youtube videos and knowing how to read 1337 sp34k is hardly what I would call a skill. If anything, it is creating a world where kids and teens spend more time with a machine then they do real people, including their family. Being able to interact online and being able to interact in person are two totally different things.

And why (unless you are going to be a writer, singer or other public figure) would you need to establish an online identity? Besides, when your 30, that teenage identity will probably come back to haunt you.

This article = FAIL!
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