Martin 18's Comments

From the site, about the #1 picture:

"an unnoticed visitor, an odd reflection of light against the wall, or digital manipulation."

Translation: "well, we don't know what it *is*, but we know what it *isn't*"

While I don't think the #1 picture actually shows a ghost, every time a discussion about this topics shows up the arguments are the same: "ghosts don't exist, so the thing in your picture must be something else, because it can't be a ghost". I'm pretty sure that if some day I get to take a picture of a ghost while talking to me (or, even better, showing his ID), people will say "its photoshopped, you can see the pixels" :(

BTW, I'd love to see an analysis of this photograph: .
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LisaL: you are right, that is precisely the reason the bodies are left behind. Reaching the top of the Everest is *really* hard (duh!), and since it is hard already to get there with your planed equipment, adding all that weight to your trip is not the best idea if you want to came back alive (for instance: it took a 12 men crew to move the body of *one* man).
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If Star Trek is set in an alternate future, and Steampunk is set in an alternate past, shouldn't a "Steampunk Star Trek" be set in the middle of both, ie the present? Although I guess people would confuse it with regular photographs of the Star Trek cast...
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"I’m glad they are making some of the sketches available on YouTube for those of us who cannot get BBC"

Well, I got a "This video is not available in your country" sign, so I guess they are not as nice as they seem.
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"It’s really the parent’s fault in the first place for not being in control of their kids…"

Agreed. However, I believe this is the kind of law designed for those who *don't* have good parents to tell them what they should do.

Of course, such a law doesn't stop anyone from getting alcohol, but that doesn't mean the *law* is wrong.
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Unfortunately, I didnt like this speech that much. Although is not a bad one, I think she jumps from subject to subject too fast. Then again, since I recently read Steve Jobs' speech (which I think was awesome), I might be biased...
I liked the "gay wizard" joke, though.
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You forgot to mention hard disks. My first PC (a 286, by the way) had an astounding 34 Mb of storage (yes, kids, it says "Mb", not "Gb"). My second hard drive (a Pentium 100) had a full Gb (just like the pendrive I have now in my pocket). After that, 3.9 Gb, 20 Gb and 80 Gb.
Ah, the good old times...
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"I would just love to get in there and chop that all up!"

Really? I would love to get in there, chop a single one (preferredly one in the middle) and leave. Good luck trying to find the faulty one ;)
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From the article:
Sheila, for her part, blames the situation on "society" and "the premature ageing and sexualisation of young people".

I blame it on supid parents who never learned how to say "no" to a teenager. Also, I wonder what will they do when she asks for a pony or a unicorn.
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Hi, I'm Martin, I live in Argentina and I'm a Computer Science Student and freelance programmer. I read Neatorama since a couple months ago, but now I check it every day. Also, I draw in my spare time, and I love reading (random fact: I read "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" in one day). I used to be a gamer too, but eventually i gave up: consoles and games here cost twice as much, and the dollar-pesos exchange raises that cost up to nearly 6 times :P
I work at a local university, and I'm also a freelance programmer. Last, but not least, I consider myself a geek, but since "geek with a girlfriend" is an oximoron I'm reconsidering it.
And that's all about me. Good luck, and congratulations for the 12345th post!
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You know, I had a terrible day at the office today, A
and this video really made me feel better. Staged? Maybe (some parts look fake, some others don't), but it sure is... relaxing.
Great video!!
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